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  Nr. 3786 de marti, 21 noiembrie 2006 
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The final assault
Tariceanu is leaving for France next Wednesday to undergo surgery. He will be in a French hospital for one week. There are now all the clues that the president-player and judge will open the final assault on the PM in order to send him home to sharpen pencils and keep him away from power. If Tariceanu surrenders, the relations between the political forces will be settled before the due time. And in January 1, 2007 someone else, some man from Cotroceni Palace, will...   (25 afisari)
Soap opera for Parliament of Europe
The list of Romanian candidates to become MEPs, who should theoretically be people with a call for such an official position, with thorough knowledge of politics and a high moral profile, is both heterogeneous and embarrassing for now. The reason for it is simple: the aspirations of some Bucharest starts reach much higher than Romanians' famous common sense.
Apart from Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Gigi Becali, who announced they would be on the candidate...   (33 afisari)
Stolojan turns Tariceanu down
Stolojan and Tariceanu have got to meet only to impress the electorate. The president of the PNL (National Liberal Party) wanted to talk to the ex presidency adviser who launched a separate Liberal project at times when the latter was in the US. Now Stolojan says he would like to talk to the PM after the latter undergoes surgery in Paris.
Theodor Stolojan turned down PM Tariceanu's proposal to have a meeting yesterday to talk about the claims of Stolojan...   (17 afisari)
Geoans prevents emergence of surprise candidate
Mircea Geoana is afraid of losing leadership over the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), within a scenario similar to the one he himself used against Ion Iliescu in the Congress held in 2005: the surprise candidate strategy.
In order to prevent the emergence of an opponent in the last minute, the PSD leader decided that December 1 would be the deadline for candidate registration, although the Congress is due in December 10 and the PSD permanent...   (16 afisari)
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CRP president Cristian Tudor Popescu resigns
Cristian Tudor Popescu resigned his presidency over the CRP (Romanian Press Club) yesterday. In his letter he explains there are two categories of dirty press in Romania: few networks already disclosed and many others continuing to mind their dirty business. Popescu opines journalists have got to be mercenaries boasting about principles, but then deciding to work for who pays more.
His letters includes a warning that the journalist...   (22 afisari)
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Basescu talked to OMV president about energy security
The President and Prime minister of Romania spent almost an hour yesterday talking about Romania's energy security. This is also the main issue of the CSAT (supreme Council for National Defense) reunion due tomorrow. The government informed that economy minister Codrut Seres and finance minister Sebastian Vladescu attended the meeting too.
On the agenda for tomorrow's CSAT reunion there are more issues such as the contract...   (33 afisari)
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Political resistor
"The smart guys" in the energy business would do anything to keep their preferential contracts. Some disregarded minister Seres and went straight to PM Tariceanu.
The Green Energy company is one such case. Company associates are the son of Liberal mayor Gheorghe Stefan and the son of Liberal deputy Sorinel Ursarescu. The fiancee of the minister for relations with the Parliament was also part of it.
After the Romanian economy minister had ordered energy...   (30 afisari)
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Solidarity for Paul Goma
A group of youngsters from the Moldovan Republic affiliated to the Hyde Park civic association promoting the freedom of expression along with the access to information protested in front of Cotroceni Palace yesterday. They wanted writer Paul Goma to get back his Romanian citizenship, just as they pleaded for the improvement of the legislation on Romanian citizenship for those Romanians living in the region on the other bank of the Prut river and in northern...   (28 afisari)
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