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  Nr. 3782 de joi, 16 noiembrie 2006 
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The Adrian Nastase enigma (I)
-- Sorin Rosca Stanescu
Nastase has been under the impressing assail of journalists, turned into piranha fish against their will, for almost two years now. But he wouldn't be devoured. Some believe the pressure he has been under ever since he lost elections to be media lynching. Today I am developing upon several reasons why I think the journalists are blameless, despite the apparent state of things. If they behave like the disgraceful and dangerous piranha...   (28 afisari)
Orban is EU Commissioner for Minorities too
Euro deputies demanded the president of the European Commission last Tuesday to extend the attributions to be granted to the EU commissioner from Romania. Socialists Martin Schultz and Jan Marinus Wiersma argued that Leonard Orban's portfolio should also include the protection of minorities.
The Euro deputies also asked president Barrosso to make things clear about Leonard Orban's mandate. The leader of European Socialists Martin Schultz pleaded...   (32 afisari)
'Bread and knife' strategy
Romanian Liberals are sticking together around present party leaders, turning their backs on the Stoica-Stolojan project. ZIUA has learnt about how Tariceanu managed to calm spirits down in the party. Our sources claim he made an offer to the dissatisfied Liberals: more funds from the budget in exchange for feasible development projects.
Yesterday the Liberal seniors wrote an open letter to Stolojan asking him to prove his honor by not negotiating on his positive...   (20 afisari)
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Basescu shook hands with Ghaddafi
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu met with the President of Libya Muammar Al-Ghaddafi in the latter official's Tripoli residence.
The Romanian President told the Libyan official from the very beginning that Romania wanted to restart bilateral relations with Libya. Ghaddfi replied Libya wanted the same.
Although scheduled to last one hour, the meeting took about half an hour and then the Libyan official showed the Romanian...   (26 afisari)
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London officials may lessen restrictions against Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants
The British government is going to reevaluate the job market situation and they may lessen the restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants searching for jobs in Britain. The British foreign affairs secretary Geoff Hoon stated in Strasbourg that the restrictions announced by the British home minister John Reid might be a rule for one single year instead of two. (D.E.)   (22 afisari)
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EU wants no ex Securitate members from Romania
Dutch Euro-deputies Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven and Erik Meijer demanded that Romania shouldn't have on its list of candidates to the Parliament of Europe ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service) collaborators or agents or people involved in corruption and violation of human rights.
This was actually an amendment to the Moscovici report about Romania's progress on its way to the EU, presented last Monday. The report on Bulgaria elaborated...   (27 afisari)
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Romania joins Hague Convention on Children
The Romanian ambassador to the Netherlands signed yesterday on behalf of Romania the Convention on the competence, law, recognition and cooperation related to parental responsibilities and child protection measures.
According to Maria Bogdan, general secretary of the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights, the ratification of this Convention is a priority legislative measure set in the Romanian government's legislative...   (23 afisari)
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Charges pressed against Nati Meir
Nati Meir is an independent deputy, formerly a member of the "Great Romania' Party. He is also a member of the Human Rights Committee in the Chamber of Deputies.
Meir is now charged with fraud and fiscal evasion related to the employment contracts of several Romanians working in Israel. Romanian prosecutors questioned him yesterday. (R.G.)   (20 afisari)
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Only Basescu's brother exports to EU
The Plusfood SRL is the Romanian branch of the PlusFood Groep BV Dutch Company, which has got meat-processing representatives in the Netherlands and Britain. Mircea Basescu, brother of the Romanian President Traian Basescu, has been a general manager since the company was established in Romania in 2002. This Romanian branch is situated in Agigea.
Gheorghe Dinica, executive director of the Sanitary-Veterinary Department in Constanta, says...   (26 afisari)
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Gas secret
Today we are starting a series of reports because we wish to decipher the enigma shrouding the privatization of Petrom Company and to find out those guilty because of whom Romanian citizens have to foot incredible bills. Without any exception, all the presidents, PMs and Parliamentary presidents in Romania have taken 'interest' in the 'life' of the most important state-owned company. But some of them made use of the EU pressure on Romania to arrange laws on personal...   (34 afisari)
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