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  Nr. 3780 de marti, 14 noiembrie 2006 
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President to condemn communism
-- Basescu to speak to MPs in December 18
The President of Romania Traian Basescu sent letters to the two Parliament Chambers yesterday announcing his wish to deliver a speech to MPs in December 18, on the conclusions of the final report drawn by the committee analyzing communist crimes, headed by political analyst Vladimir Tismaneanu. Committee members are expected to recommend that the President should condemn communism, official sources say.
In the President's...   (33 afisari)
Adrian and Dana Nastase charged with corruption
Yesterday the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) pressed charges against Adrian and Dana Nastase, together with two more people. Prosecutors claim that in 2001-2006 Adrian Nastase made use of the authority and influence coming from his political and administrative positions to commit several corruption crimes involving other people as well. Prosecutors have sued Nastase for taking bribe and illegal properties. Authorities claim this...   (61 afisari)
MediaSind protests against DIICOT abuse
The MediaSind Union of Romanian Journalists comments that the DIICOT (Department to Investigate Terrorism and Organized Crimes) decision to press charges against journalist Catalin Doncea from "Gazeta Vaii Jiului" is abuse. The association opines it is actually a new attempt to bring the press to silence, just as it happened early this year to the journalists employed by ZIUA and "Romania libera". At that time the latter were accused of having used...   (29 afisari)
Liberals drop congress dead
The leaders of the PNL (national Liberal Party) together with PM Tariceanu adopted a resolution yesterday, arguing that it would be pointless to have an extraordinary congress. The Liberals in power didn't omit to warn Stolojan's supporters in the PNL, as in the resolution there is stipulated that affiliation to the project of those Liberals expelled from the party is incompatible to the status of a PNL member.
The Liberal leaders expressed their support...   (19 afisari)
PSD to proceed to parliamentary motion
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leaders are determined to come up with a parliamentary motion because the Romanian government hasn't responded to the territorial autonomy project promoted by the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania). The PSD spokesman Cristian Diaconescu says they want to do this also because the government has failed in promoting a national minorities' status in keeping with the EU norms.
The PSD spokesman explains: "The...   (18 afisari)
Democrats want separate candidate lists
Vasile Blaga, a general secretary of the PD (Democrat Party), confirmed after yesterday's meeting of party leaders that the Democrat activists wanted to have candidate lists separate from the Liberal ones to approach elections for the Parliament of Europe. Blaga mentioned: "Local organizations have shown a certain wish to have candidates on separate lists". But he actually confirmed the central leaders' target.
As for the date to announce...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ringier's child adoptions
Michael Ringier, the Swiss owner of "Evenimentul Zilei" daily, is suspected of having broken the moratorium on international child adoption. In the spring of 2003 and in the early 2004 he had several meeting with the Romanian PM Adrian Nastase, at times when international child adoption was allowed only by means of emergency ordinance. Governmental sources claim at about the same time 23 Romanian children reached Switzerland, although a Romanian child...   (37 afisari)
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Freemason heritage
The ZIUS reporters have run into an exceptional heritage that can turn into an easy prey for thieves. The treasure belonging to the Nicolae Balcescu Memorial on the Topolog Valley is kept in some paper envelopes one guardian keeps an eye on. The heritage housed in the Balcesti Mansion consists in some freemason ritualistic objects of international importance. In the collection there are some aprons, one pinafore, some badges and 33 rank master certificates.
But...   (27 afisari)
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Tariceanu's budget
In next Wednesday's common session of senators and deputies Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is to present the law project on the budget to be set for 2007, along with the project on the social insurance budget. Debate is to follow after the presentation so that on Thursday MPs can start debating the budget project article by article. (...) (R.P.)   (22 afisari)
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