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  Nr. 3760 de sambata, 21 octombrie 2006 
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ZIUA bets on Vosganian
ZIUA has been analyzing the EU requirements, the media scenarios, the political context in Bucharest and the rumors, including the ones coming from Brussels. ZIUA bets the European Commission's president Manuel Barroso will choose Varujan Vosganian to become EU commissioner to represent Romania. ZIUA believes the Liberal leader's profile fits the EU commissioner's general portrait best.
Varujan Vosganian is both a mathematician and an economist, as well as a writer....   (38 afisari)
EU and Putin face to face
Helsinki hosted the reunion of the EPP group last Thursday. The President of Romania Traian Basescu attended the event taking place just one day before the information reunion of the Council of Europe. While there the President pleaded for the need that the EU should negotiate for undiscriminating treatment on states getting gas or oil from the Russian Federation. As most officials there agreed to the Romanian President's idea, Manuel Durrao Barroso was assigned...   (28 afisari)      1 comentariu
Vanghelie has got a plan: solidarity against Oprescu
Marian Vanghelie is plotting to sack Sorin Oprescu, leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) organization in Bucharest. Vanghelie, who heads the PSD members in Bucharest district 5, agreed with Mircea Geoana to drive the "doctor" away so that he himself would take over and get support if making up his mind to join the struggle and become mayor of Bucharest. Such information has been provided by party sources.
Aura Vasile, a colleague...   (25 afisari)
UDMR is against referendum
The UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) president Marko Bela is against a referendum on the autonomy of the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) County. He said it in his meeting with the CNS (National Council of the Secui) leaders Csapo Jozsef and Izsak Balazs, held yesterday in Targu Mures.
After the meeting Marko Bela explained: "We cannot agree to have referendum. This is impossible because of the law. We won't agree. It is...   (34 afisari)
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Minister Macovei will consent to security laws
Romanian Executive spokeswoman Oana Marinescu announced yesterday that Justice minister Monica Macovei would consent to the new set of national security laws right after the modifications agreed on were included in the respective texts.
The spokeswoman explained after the Romanian PM's meeting with several ministers that all the Justice minister' objections and suggestions on the law projects were now accepted. Minister Macovei...   (21 afisari)
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Protocol of journalists and policemen
Two days ago Romanian Police chief Valentin Fatuloiu and Cristi Godinac, president of the Romanian Journalists Union MediaSind, signed protocol of collaboration between the two institutions. According to the agreement between journalists and policemen, the two institutions are to develop mutual consulting and support in terms of partnership initiatives and projects to prevent criminality.
The Institute to Research and Prevent criminality...   (28 afisari)
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SRI denies plan to kidnap President's daughter
The SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) commented yesterday that the issues raised by the witness who had shared the prison cell with Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam lacked "real grounds". The institution mentions in press release: "The SRI considered his statements. The SRI cooperated with the other institutions entitled to such research. There were checks to make the information clear and prevent threats, in keeping with legal attributions...   (31 afisari)
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US presses charges against 2 Romanians
Iosif Caza and Luciana Harmath are two Romanian translators in Sacramento accused of falsifying documents during procedures meant to get US exile for Romanian citizens. The same charges have been pressed against 3 US lawyers. More exactly, they are charged with falsifying immigration documents and false statements.
The Federal Court claims that the lawyer's company and the 2 Romanian translators committed lots of crimes in 2000-2004,...   (53 afisari)
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