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  Nr. 3750 de marti, 10 octombrie 2006 
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PM demands Atanasiu take ministry back
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu asked yesterday in an indirect manner that President Traian Basescu should gave back the defense ministry to Teodor Atanasiu, since prosecutors decided not to open criminal inquiry against the latter.
It was Teodor Atanasiu himself who opined there were no legal grounds to be used to prevent him from getting his ministry back. But according to the law, presidency adviser Adriana Saftoiu and Social-Democrat deputy...   (27 afisari)
Badalan expresses accusations against Atanasiu
General Eugen Badalan, formerly a head of the military staff in Romania, went to the Prosecutor's Office yesterday for questioning on the activity of the suspended defense minister Teodor Atanasiu, whom Badalan is accusing of abuse at work. The general provided prosecutors with several documents proving Atanasiu committed abuses. He explained: "Teodor Atanasiu was presented a report on the stage reached in negotiations on the frigates. He wrote...   (26 afisari)
Choice for EU commissioner is PM's attribution
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), said yesterday that the choice for an EU commissioner from Romania was the PM's attribution. He commented such choice was not the effect of a "beauty contest". The PM explained: "The choice for an EU commissioner is not the PNL's task, it is the PM's. I will certainly be analyzing all possibilities, all persons fit as political and professional profile."...   (21 afisari)
Tolerance is wanted
The President of Romania Traian Basescu laid yesterday the first stone on the foundation of the Holocaust Memorial, describing the moment as a confirmation of the Romanian state's determination to recuperate the true history. The President opined: "To simply notice such a state of things doesn't settle the matter." He was actually speaking about national awareness of the murders state authorities had committed in one moment or the other.
Basescu commented: "It is a...   (26 afisari)
Lawyers' war
The first day of classical lawyers' strike offered real show, with both comedy and tragedy elements. Lawyers announced they would stop their juridical assistance activity for a week in order to protest against the existence of parallel lawyers in the bars of Pompiliu Bota. Although they had announced their absence from all lawsuits, the classical lawyers attended yesterday's trials. Most of them wrote solicitations for postponements, claiming it was a day of protests. This is...   (31 afisari)
Basescu pays visit to CNSAS
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is paying a visit to the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) today together with the new chiefs of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) and the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service), George Maior and Claudiu Saftoiu.
CNSAS member Cazimir Ionescu says it was the President himself who suggested such a meeting: "The President wants to attend our meeting with the SRI and SIE heads...   (21 afisari)
Liberal dissidents to launch platform
Theodor Stolojan, Valeriu Stoica, Raluca Turcan, Cristian Boureanu and Radu F. Alexandru, those Liberals the PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders dislike, are to launch the platform-programme on a Liberal revival next Sunday. A press release from ex-Liberal Cristian Boureanu informs they will make the presentation somewhere in the district of Arges. Mona Musca is not supporting the initiative, because the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the...   (18 afisari)
Melescanu is wolf to guard sheep
The PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders promise to recommend only highbrow candidates for the Parliament of Europe, that is people morally, professionally and politically unstained. According to the criteria the Liberals consented to yesterday, the ideal candidate must be a personal whose fortune is all right, who was not political migrant or an ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) member or collaborator.
The problem is that...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Health employees start street protests
Romanian health employees are having a protest meeting in Bucharest today. They want the budget on 2007 to provide a 70% pay raise. Marius Petcu, leader of the Sanitas Federation, mentioned that the underfinancing of the health system was the main reason for demonstrators' discontent. He claimed the health budget set for 2007 was not enough for the difficulties in the field. Union members estimate the projected funds are not enough for the...   (21 afisari)
IMF worries about growing current account deficit
The IMF experts met with Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu in Victoria Palace yesterday. A press release from the government informs that Emmanuel van der Mensbrugghe, head of the IMF delegation, appreciates the government's fiscal policy, the slow growth of administrative prices and the salary policy as well. The IMF official thinks the latter have helped Romanian economy have an excellent evolution in 2006. Still IMF experts...   (16 afisari)
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