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  Nr. 3742 de sambata, 30 septembrie 2006 
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The Secui County on King Log's land
It is now 13 days since the National Assembly of the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) adopted a resolution, according to which the borders of the future Secui republic are to be decided today. This new entity actually separate from the Romanian state would therefore settle its own rules, starting with the official language, continuing with the making of their own military and police, with a Secui Justice too, and ending with a taxation...   (29 afisari)
Transdniestria on Francophony reunion agenda
The Transdniester issue was on the agenda of the Francophony reunion the second day. Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu announced the 11th reunion of Francophone state presidents and prime minister was over. He mentioned the attendants had tackled two main issues: education and information technology for education and emergency cases in Francophone states. As for the second part of the event, the Romanian official said they had...   (22 afisari)
Maior is godchild of Talpes
PSD (Social-Democrat Party) member Gorge Maior, whom President Traian Basescu recommended as future chief of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service), announced yesterday that he would resign from the SRI in case the PSD got power. He also claimed the law should settle a principle such as the idea that a representative of the opposition should head one intelligence service. He promised to respect this, even if it was not in the law.
He claimed that recommendation...   (28 afisari)
Authorities worry about kidnapped baby
The baby's disappearance is a real concern for authorities. After the inquiry is over we will decide on measures to prevent such incidents in the future, said the Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu yesterday. He also mentioned: "I am very worried about it. I am waiting to get the results of Police investigations and local authorities. Maybe we should think about the hospital protection system, especially in vulnerable places, such as departments...   (25 afisari)      1 comentariu
FRF Stalinists
Mircea Sandu and Dumitru Dragomir set for Romanian soccer sanctions used in no European championship. Claiming to fight against violence, the two are actually planning to bring personal dictatorship over soccer. The President of the Romanian Soccer Federation together with the president of the Soccer League here have modified discipline regulation so that no one can reproach them for anything any more. They have forbidden banners of any other negative posters on stadiums....   (25 afisari)
Scenario on a PD-PSD government
Shocking news reached the press yesterday: the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is getting ready to join the government by joining the PD (Democrat Party). They say President Traian Basescu is involved. He is claimed to have even promised some ministries to the PSD. Excited about such unexpected opportunity, the PSD leader Mircea Geoana phoned PSD members in the territory to tell them they would get power. There is also a date on the plan: January 5.
Parties...   (23 afisari)
Judgement day for Liberals
The ethics committee in the PNL (National Liberal Party) is to announce its conclusions in today's meeting of Permanent Delegation members in Cluj. PNL spokesman Varujan Vosganian says the conclusions are on several party members. Today they are also likely to talk about the proposal to expel deputies Raluca Turcan and Cristian Boureanu from the party, because of their public statements against the PNL. They may also discuss about withdrawing political support...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Virgil Ierunca dies at 86
Virgil Ierunca, one top personality of the Romanian exile, died Thursday evening in Paris. He was a well known literary critic, journalist and poet. While in exile he tried to be close to the Romanians abroad, to Romanian intellectuals in particular. He was one of the Free Europe famous voices. He died at 86, after dedicating his entire life to impressing cultural activities. (...) He was a major personality who denounced the Communist experience as instrument...   (24 afisari)
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 Tara Secuilor in Tara lui Papura Voda (3225 afisari)
 Stalinistii FRF (2555 afisari)
 Maior e finul lui Talpes (2057 afisari)
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