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  Nr. 3719 de luni, 4 septembrie 2006 
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Analyses and Comments
Europe crosses the Rubicon
The so-called "European Neighborhood Policy" has, so far, been a curious thing. There is much talk about it in the European Union, but little practical effect. It was meant as an alternative to the ever-increasing number of accession rounds, say, involving the countries in the southern Caucasus. But the war in Lebanon and its consequences have caused a sudden and fundamental change in the leisurely pursuit of this policy.
The Lebanon War has served...   (34 afisari)
Dictator's police
-- In his exceptional interview to ZIUA journalists, General Ion Mihai Pacepa, today a world famous expert in Western intelligence communities, provides puzzling information, bringing light on the darkness we are used to because of opinion formers and politicians close to the ex Soviet intelligence services. And there is more to come.
Political police of the Russian kind
Rep.: The Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) is a word on everybody's lips right now....   (74 afisari)
Transdniestria is part of EU plans
The EU wants to hang on to its role in political projects concerning the Transdniester issue and frozen conflict matters are to be approached by means of relations with the Russian Federation. This is what the Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu said last Saturday while in Lappeenranta.
The Romanian official claimed the EU was very determined to continue its role so that the political projects regarding Transdniestria - the Moldovan Republic's...   (31 afisari)
Democrats want augmented powers for Basescu
The PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc proposed yesterday that the Constitution should get changed do that Romania would have a real semi-presidential regime of the French kind. The pattern the Democrats are pleading for has it that the President names a prime minister, just as he/she may dissolve the Parliament, chair the government, reach decisions at times of crisis and call for referendum.
In front of the youth attending the PD Summer...   (22 afisari)
Ex-Securitate collaborators Musca and Ghise expelled from PNL
The Permanent Delegation of the PNL (National Liberal Party) decided last Saturday to expel deputies Mona Musca and Ioan Ghise from the party because of their collaboration with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). People from both inside and outside the party tried to defend Mona Musca in particular, as they thought the Liberal officials' decision was unfair. The main objection was that both deputies...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President wrote report on two drunken sailors
The President of Romania claims the reports he wrote under the former regime as commander of the "Biruinta" ship got lost. Last Saturday he paid a visit to Constanta where he met with Gheorghe Bosanceanu, owner of the above-mentioned ship, who told the President that the information reports he had written were destroyed. Bosanceanu also promised to give him the ship's logs written while the President had commanded the ship, the only...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians in Hungary deny minority elections
The Coalition of Romanians in Hungary and the Association of Romanian Orthodox Females in Budapest warn that in the latter city and some Hungarian localities there have emerged unknown intruders in the Romanian community there who want to run as Romanian candidates in the elections for minorities' self-governments due in October 1.
In the press release the two associations sent it is mentioned: "We are protesting against some people's...   (25 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Dan Puric, respectat in lume, batjocorit in Romania (2262 afisari)
 Capitala Culturala a Escrocarii Europei Sibiu 2007 (2085 afisari)
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