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  Nr. 3715 de miercuri, 30 august 2006 
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The true scarecrow and the false reconciliation
Suppose opinion poll results should be interpreted ad litteram, which is absurd. Suppose after two years of arguable activity, the D.A ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, whose members have been mostly at war instead of collaborating, has managed to get a better image in polls, as far as elections are concerned. Suppose their score hasn't been going down, unlike the opposition's, as it would be natural. If so and if the Alliance could reach...   (24 afisari)
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Orthodox and Catholic clergy ask for their Securitate records
Both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches have been pleading that the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) records of the clergy should be declassified, after President Traian Basescu demanded the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) to see to it.
Orthodox Church representatives say the Holy Synod agreed to it ever since 1997. On the other hand, Nicolae Corneanu,...   (28 afisari)
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Ex Great Rabbi Moses Rosen was accused of being a Securitate colonel
Dailies have been informing about President Traian Basescu's decision to open a process such as the declassification of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) records. Some clergy, priests, rabbies and bishops have got why to be afraid. We can now know who reported against people, who sent innocent people behind bars, who knew and pretended not to see it, who saw it and pretended not to know...   (57 afisari)
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Securitate whores
In his interview to ZIUA historian Stejarel Olaru, now a representative of the Romanian PM in the National Intelligence Community, explains the terms between the informers and the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) staff.
The ex Securitate was not exactly in the habit of paying the informers. In order to get a bonus of 300 ROL, an informer had to provide hot information to officers. Those in relations with the Securitate staff could get a...   (34 afisari)
V.-V. Alliance
-- Voiculescu and Vadim negotiate against Basescu
Voiculescu and Vadim are thinking about making a political alliance "to face the Basescu plough". Yesterday Vadim Tudor, president of the PRM ("Great Romania" Party), boasted about preparing "an important political alliance". Sources from the PC (Conservative Party) confirmed the improving of relations between the leaders of the PC and the PRM. Parliamentary sources have been voicing the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is also...   (21 afisari)
Romania with two presidents
Romanian Liberals intend to open initiative meant to revise the Constitution by elaborating a set of principles to modify significantly the roles of the powers in a state and institutional relations as well. At present the Liberals are having talks on the project. According to the document, the Parliament would continue to have two chambers, but the number of MPs would be smaller (283 deputies and 83 senators). Both Chambers would have specific attributions....   (28 afisari)
Liberals to decide on Patriciu
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, stated his intention to ask for national level talks on the Patriciu case, as the Liberals in Prahova had decided not to sanction the Liberal businessman.
Bogdan Olteanu claimed yesterday that although Dinu Patriciu was a member of the organization in Ploiesti, sanction against him was up to the latter, still the whole party had the right to take political attitude and get distance...   (15 afisari)
Romanian writers and the Securitate
ZIUA, Romanian Writers' Union and the National Foundation for Science and Arts have arranged debate "Writers and the Securitate" for today at 6:00 p.m. (Securitate = ex Communist Secret Service in Romania). The event is taking place in the Romanian Writers' Union Building in Bucharest, 125 Victoriei Avenue. (D.I.)   (28 afisari)
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 Masacrul de la Beslan, provocat de grenade lansate din exterior (2022 afisari)
 Alianta V.-V. (1895 afisari)
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