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  Nr. 3706 de sambata, 19 august 2006 
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Parties and populists
This is not a good time for political parties, especially those with traditional orientations. Gone are the times in the older democracies when one could count on two major parties - one social democratic, the other more to the right of center - dominating the political scene.
In the new democracies of the postcommunist world, such two-party systems never came into being. Nowadays the two largest parties can rarely hope to muster two-thirds of the popular vote....   (26 afisari)
The Gulag of the Russian mind
It is now 15 years since the failed coup of August 1991 against Mikhail Gorbachev. At the time, Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost were seen by Soviet hardliners as a sell-out of communist Russia to the capitalist West. But it is now clear that the KGB and the military who launched the coup were not defending the idea of communism. Instead, they were protecting their idea of Russia's imperial mission, a notion that had given the Kremlin commissars...   (32 afisari)
More corrupted than last year
48% of Romanians believe the corruption rate is the same under the present officials, whereas a quarter of citizens opine it is even higher as compared to January 2005. It is only 15% of people who think corruption has dwindled and 13% have got no opinion.
This is one conclusion of a TNS-CSOP opinion poll ordered by the Governmental Strategy Agency and elaborated last July. (...) The research shows most people think the best means to fight against corruption...   (29 afisari)
Pontius Boc
The womanly quarrel between the president and vice president of the ARIS (Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment), that is between Ana Maria Cristina and Gabriela Vasile, has intrigued all common sense politicians. The PM got enraged and dismissed the two haughty ladies at a time, pointing to "conduct unfit" for a high official position "within a Romanian state authority".
Although it didn't progress like the fight between Copos and Marius Marinescu, with wrestling and offenses,...   (29 afisari)
Romanian geriatry "grows old" too early
The elixir of youth is a Romanian invention. Gerovital, the wonder medicine, was a cornerstone in the fight against old age. A huge range of celebrities enjoyed the benefits of the medicine conceived by Romanian expert Ana Aslan. Although the population of Romania is obviously growing old, Romania is behind the times with treatments it offers. Although they know the miraculous effects of such programmes, foreigners avoid Romanian clinics, as they think...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In brief
Constantinescu wants to sue CNSAS and intelligence service chiefs
Yesterday the ex President of Romania Emil Constantinescu expressed intention to sue the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) board for not having opened procedures to search on Traian Basescu's record and for having broken the law they were supposed to obey. He also said he would sue the chiefs of Romanian intelligence services. He argued: "The CNSAS was supposed to check...   (23 afisari)
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Iskandarani: Hayssam is in Syria
Zaher Iskandarani claims he knows where Omar Hayssam is. He mentions: "I know Omar Hayssam has got cancer and he is under treatment in Damask, Syria. I can't tell you how he got there." Iskandarani admits he knows Omar Hayssam, but he wouldn't give any other information. (B.C.G.)   (26 afisari)
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National security laws are ready for debate
The new national security law projects have been modified in keeping with the criteria presented by Justice minister Monica Macovei and with suggestions from the civil society. They are to be under debate in the next meeting of government members, announced PM's adviser Marius Oprea. (...)
The latter national security adviser mentioned the group he was heading operated many changes on the initial context of the law set. He commented:...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Sahara in Romania
The village of Dabuleni is situated in the south of Dolj district and it is the only locality in Europe housing an officially acknowledged sand museum.
This bizarre institution stretches on 12 hectares and it is actually a desert. The village is surrounded by 3,500 hectares of sand, just like in Sahara. The locals say that when the wind blows the sand arises and nothing is visible any more. It is really miraculous that sand trade has flourished in the area...   (31 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Jos palaria, d-le presedinte! (5451 afisari)
 23 august - radiografia unei lovituri de Palat (2593 afisari)
 Sahara din Romania (2055 afisari)
 Geriatria romaneasca a imbatranit prematur (2011 afisari)
 A vrut Antonescu sa negocieze cu rusii? (1597 afisari)
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