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  Nr. 3688 de sambata, 29 iulie 2006 
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A competition for the suspension of the president
An anti-Basescu coalition really exists, be it an offhand one. The President also knows it. Actually, he stated it before leaving for Washington. Except the Parliament, all the other political players oppose him an obstinate resistance regarding both the future set of laws on the national security and the appointment of the new heads of the secret services. In parallel, politicians from different parties have launched a real competition...   (24 afisari)
Basescu promised troops for Lebanon
Romania has the capacity to contribute with cu troops in Lebanon, in case of an international decision in this respect, President Traian Basescu said yesterday in Washington, according to Mediafax release. Asked whether Romania will contribute with troops to settle thing in Lebanon, President Basescu answered that Romania has the capacity to participate with troops and to meet its obligations and a NATO member state and as an European state, whether...   (33 afisari)
Bush called to help St. Iosif Cathedral in Bucharest
During the visit of the Romanian President, Traian Basescu, in the United States of America, a group of pious people prayed in front of the US Embassy in Bucharest for the saving of Sfantul Iosif Cathedral. The historical monument in Bucharest is in danger because of the construction, less than 10 meters away, of a 74 meters high building, for which the Millenium company managed to get the necessary authorizations by means questioned by...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Fox's cubs
Virgil Ardelean's resignation leaves things up to the law a whole gang of protegees the former director of the Intelligence department within the Ministry of Interior used to have. The Fox's traditional friends - businessmen, prosecutors or officers from Transylvania - will struggle hard to install at the head of UM 0962 someone able to protect them. This way, tens of revealing about the frauds they had committed will get on their tracks and might bring them before...   (28 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Singura urmasa a Elenei Lupescu acuza (3036 afisari)
 Intrecere pentru suspendarea presedintelui (2704 afisari)
 Informatorii ies la iveala (2691 afisari)
 Puii Vulpii (2162 afisari)
 De ce coalitie anti-Basescu? (2010 afisari)
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