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  Nr. 3687 de vineri, 28 iulie 2006 
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He cornered himself!
Traian Basescu started a mechanism of a nature to isolate him and eventually the institution he runs. The moment when, probably taken by surprise and exceeded by the resignations in chain of the heads of the intelligence services, to which the resignation of Botos from the position of General Prosecutor - as if the three resignations were not enough -, the chief of State found no other solution but to blackmail the entire political class. In what way? By making the...   (30 afisari)
A New Dawn for Chinese Journalism?
A remarkable incident has emboldened Chinese journalists. Earlier this year, the government suspended publication of the newspaper Bing Dian Weekly, provoking unprecedented open protest, which received extensive media coverage worldwide. Even more surprisingly, the government, under the pressure of public opinion, has allowed Bing Dian to resume publication. The editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief were sacked, but the open questioning of the legitimacy...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
"Clean Voices" Operation among the ZIUA editorial board
We have reached the settling day. Our daily joined the "Voci curate" initiative launched by the "Civic Media". This association asked CNSAS(National Council for Study of the Securitate Archives) to publish the dossiers of the journalists and opinion makers inside the Romanian media. The ZIUA daily management decided, a week ago, that each editor or contributor to our newspaper, including the heads of departments, should...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
A solution proposed by ZIUA daily for CNSAS: dossiers on the Internet
-- Tens of thousands of dossiers are waiting for a solution, out of which 40,000 are on politicians
The big number of dossiers asked to be verified by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS) may determine its representatives to come to the solution proposed by ZIUA daily, that is the publication of all dossiers on the Internet. Representatives of the CNSAS have already talked about...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu anti-coalition
Romania lies into an unprecedented political and institutional crisis in which the President and the Parliament find on opposite positions. The hit the chief of State tried to apply to the Executive once the heads of SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) and SIE (External Intelligence Service) resigned turned into a counter-hit targeting Basescu. In the Parliament, a majority coagulated which is ready to threaten the president any time with his suspension....   (33 afisari)
Editor-in-chief at ZIUA Daily answering to the "Clean Voices" Operation: I did sign a pledge with the Securitate
I did sign a pledge with the Securitate. I was in the 12th form (aged 18) when the UTC (Communist Youth Union) secretary of our high school introduced me to a guy who introduced himself as a cultural responsible and showed interest in the rock band I had gathered. He would have been glad to help us, he said.
But, when we were left alone, he told me he was a security officer...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
National Security Bill in the Government's vision
-- SPP and STS - directorates, and CNI under a parliamentary control
The National Security Bill, as proposed by the Government, provides that the President and the Prime Minister are in charge with the organization, the co-ordination and the strategic planning in the national security field. According to the bill, SPP (Rom. for the Service of Protection and Guard) will be a directorate within the structure of the Ministry of the...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bush over-praised Basescu
After the meeting with Romanian President Traian Basescu, US President George Bush began his statements by saying that Basescu was his friend and the two countries were friend countries. The American President made these statements at the press conference held in the Oval Office by the two chiefs of State, on the occasion of the visit of the Romanian delegation in the USA. The most detailed statements made by the two presidents referred to the acceleration...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Pacepa: Basescu thwarted an anti-American putsch in Bucharest
The second visit of the President Traian Basescu to Washington offered the opportunity to the ex-Romanian spy Ion Mihai Pacepa to comment upon this event and its implications. His article, titled "Romania's Revival - The ex-communist State can be a valuable ally for the Americans" appeared on the site nationalreview. com.
Pacepa noticed that in March 2005 Traian Basescu, a recently elected president of Romania,...   (47 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Bush l-a umplut de laude pe Basescu (3344 afisari)
 S-a autoincoltit! (3186 afisari)
 Coalitia anti-Basescu (2554 afisari)
 Operatiunea "Voci curate la ZIUA" (2401 afisari)
 Pacepa: Presedintele a dejucat un puci anti-american la Bucuresti (2280 afisari)
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