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  Nr. 3677 de luni, 17 iulie 2006 
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"Evacuation" Operation in dance steps
The fate of the foreign citizens who practically remained as prisoners in Lebanon, after the extension of the conflict broken out at Israel's border quickly mobilized authorities in their origin countries. Almost all states in this situation had a quick reaction. They contacted Beirut and Damascus to assure the leaving of Lebanon to their citizens and also to other persons interested to leave the conflict area, via Syria, Cyprus, Turkey or Jordan. Efforts...   (8 afisari)
Seres: imported gas price might increase in winter
A stagnation of the Romanian importation from the Middle East countries and a possible increase in winter of the imported gas price are the main implications of the Israel - Lebanon conflict, said the minister of Economy and Trade, quoted by RADOR. "We already have a historical maximum in the crude oil stock exchange and, in my opinion, every day that passes makes it get higher, artificially; anyway, we have reached historical maximums in...   (3 afisari)
Boc's anticipated elections
PD (Democratic Party) wants anticipated elections in 2007. Democratic leader, Emil Boc, said, on Saturday, in Cluj-Napoca, they were necessary because the Government's initiatives needed for the country's accession to the EU were not supported by the MPs. "If we want to have a comfortable Parliamentary majority, capable to assure the success of the Romania's effective accession to the EU, 2007 should be the year of anticipated elections", said Boc, quoted...   (5 afisari)
Democrat Asphalt
A bunch of companies close to the Democratic Party (PD) obtained the contracts for the asphalting of the Capital's streets. Adriean Videanu inherited the favourite companies from Traian Basescu. The asphalting works are, most of the time, slapdash work. Instead of modernizing streets paved with macadam or even unpaved, the companies lay with asphalt the main avenues in Bucharest, that do not need repairing. Workings were begun on tens of streets and later...   (12 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Fabricile Prodanof raman furate (1196 afisari)
 Ofiterii lui Radulescu (456 afisari)
 Asfalt PD (226 afisari)
 Examene de cosmar (191 afisari)
 Axa Washington-Londra-Bucuresti si Ierusalimul (122 afisari)
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