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  Nr. 3670 de sambata, 8 iulie 2006 
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Atanasiu, a NATO minister quite in the state for a medical examination
Atanasiu, a NATO minister quite in the state for a medical examination
What the Investigation Department of ZIUA Daily and also our colleagues in several central publications are discovering, day by day, seems to be incredible. It's almost a nightmare. A situation we hoped we would never meet again while in liberty. With the knowledge of a Liberal Defence minister, who is also one of our few NATO ministers, one...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu and the Reunification stir up Chishinau
-- Correspondence from Victor RONCEA, in Bessarabya
A week after the Romanian President's revealing on a plan of reunification of Bessarabya with the Country - a project also benefiting of the blessing of the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, PF Teoctist -, the politics and the media in Chishinau are still agitated. Basescu continues to be on the first page of the Bessarabyan newspapers, including the two of Russian language,...   (6 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Political Army
Minister Teoder Atanasiu admitted he used the secret service of the Ministry of
Defence for political espionage purposes. During the "10 sharp" program on Realitatea TV station, the Liberal Defence minister did not shrink from saying an entire Directorate of Information (Directorate General of Military Information - Rom. DGIA) under his subordination was keeping him up to date with "what was leaving from Mrs. Saftoiu in Cotroceni, on credible sources close to the...   (2 afisari)
Peace on Paper
The Liberal leadership officially proposes the Democrats to work together for the good of the Alliance and of the governance. Still, the PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders, in particular, keep on throwing arrows towards their partners. A few rebels from Stoica - Stolojan group, presumed to play into the hands of PD (Democrat Party), received a public warning.
The PNL Permanent Delegation adopted Thursday evening a resolution asking to their Democrat partners to observe...   (8 afisari)
Mercedes vehicles in a sweat at a high price
The mayor of the Capital caused damages to the Bucharest inhabitants of 17 M Euro, as he concluded an illegal contract. The 500 Mercedes buses were purchased without the vice-mayor Ludovic Orban - who had to take care of the transport - having seen the technical documentation. The difference of price, as compared to the offer made by Timisoara, of 34,000 Euro per bus, is quite high. Adriean Videanu says he will have put air conditioning...   (1 afisare)
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