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  Nr. 3665 de luni, 3 iulie 2006 
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One top official is about to be sacked in Romania. Who will it be?
The political trio made up of Tariceanu, Atanasiu and Olteanu is about to take major political offensive. By surprising their political adversaries, the three of them were to take over an operation with significant national echoes: the withdrawal of almost all Romanian troops from Iraq. The PNL (National Liberal Party) was to lead a durable process in the competition of political groups. Such process would have caused...   (4 afisari)
Paun the Communist agent
Vasile Paun, executive director of the DGIA (the General Information Department in the Defense Ministry), is in the habit of taking action following the methods of the Communist political police. He phoned ZIUA journalist Doru Dragomir and threatened to fix him, telling him he would pay a lot for his courage to unmask Liberal games. The state secretary in the Ministry of Defense the Liberal Party had appointed started his attack after ZIUA had published an article...   (5 afisari)
Atanasiu opens war inside PNL
Romanian defense minister Teodor Atanasiu has opened war in the PNL (National Liberal Party). Although his activity has been invisible since he took over, in just a few days the minister has managed to get the pro-Basescu group of Liberals oppose those Liberals loyal to Tariceanu. 11 top Liberals have criticized their party leader for having proposed the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq trough minister Atanasiu. 9 important members have warned him of...   (2 afisari)
SRI keeps on reaching terrorists
-- "Muslin Brothers" member retained in Constanta
One citizen of Yemen, member of the "Muslim Brothers" organization and with business in Constanta, was retained last Saturday, at request from the SRI (Romanian Secret Service). According to the SRI, Mohtar Hashedi played an active role in the organization as far as decisions and local expressions of decisions were concerned.
They say he was in constant propaganda activities meant to reinforce the cohesion...   (1 afisare)
President proposed unification with Basarabia
Romanian President Traian Basescu told the Basarabia Olympics laureates on Saturday that Bucharest officials had proposed that the Moldovan Republic should join the EU together with Romania, Rompres says. Traian Basescu said: "I want to tell you something to the extent to which it can be told: Romania made an offer to the Moldovan Republic, to its president, to join the EU together with us. But this is up to Chisinau authorities and the inhabitants...   (123 afisari)
PNL has got 2% less than PD, research shows
The BCS (social Research Office) released an opinion poll yesterday, showing that the PNL (National Liberal Party) is about to reach the same score as the PD (Democrat Party). If the parties in D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance ran on separate electoral lists, the PNL would get 45,2% of votes, whereas the PD would reach 47,5%. (...)
Parties' top is the same
As for the vote intentions in case of early elections, no significant changes...   (1 afisare)
False resignation because of the wife
Cristian Diaconescu has calmed down his revolutionary ideas and is no longer thinking about resigning as spokesman of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). At the end of the week he wandered about country in the company of PSD leaders, hand in hand with Mircea Geoana, the man he had denied just a few days before. Diaconescu had accused Geoana of having agreed with the Liberals to support the Liberal candidate to take over the Court of Accounts. The Liberal...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bilateral talks due to start in Odessa
Romania and Ukraine are to start the first round of bilateral talks tomorrow in Odessa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest announces. The two states are to be represented by the foreign ministers, as agreed during the meeting of Romanian President Traian Basescu and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
The two officials are to take up issues such as the delimitation of the continental plateau and the exclusive economic area...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
July floods
The Interior Ministry announces 9 people died and 3 are missing in Suceava because of the latest floods that have been damaging 67 localities in 12 districts: Bacau, Constanta, Dambovita, Galati, Harghita, Ialomita, Maramurer, Mures, Mehedinti, Neamt, Sibiu, Suceava and Valcea. Still the number of people evacuated from their homes is getting lower. According to the Interior Ministry, 28 houses were destroyed and 253 were damaged along with 2,725 households. (...)
13...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Stiri pe scurt (607 afisari)
 Presedintele a propus unirea cu Basarabia (190 afisari)
 "Bunicul si tata traiesc, iar eu sunt mort" (186 afisari)
 President proposed unification with Basarabia (123 afisari)
 Securistul Paun (78 afisari)
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