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  Nr. 3664 de sambata, 1 iulie 2006 
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Can Hamas stay in power?
With one-third of the Palestinians' Hamas-led government now under arrest by Israel, the escalation in Israeli-Palestinian relations has moved beyond military confrontation. A far more fundamental question has come into view: can a Palestinian government that draws its authority from an agreement with Israel stay in power when it is led by an organization committed to the destruction of Israel?
The abduction of an Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip, as well...   (2 afisari)
The Liberals' political move Tariceanu and defense minister Teodor Atanasiu coordinated, proposing that Romanian troops should withdraw from Iraq, has proved to be a kind of coup. The defense minister ordered on Thursday that all military envoys should be informed about the decision to call Romanian soldiers back home. The ciphered document was sent by the General Information Department in the Ministry of Defense. Of course the military envoys acted accordingly and told everyone...   (2 afisari)
PM wants referendum on Iraqi issue
The CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) had just rejected the Liberals' proposal that Romanian troops should leave Iraq that PM Tariceanu announced the PNL (National Liberal Party) wanted national referendum on the issue. Tariceanu said: "The PNL thinks it is necessary to have referendum so that people can express opinions." He is obviously counting on Romanians' dislike of the idea that Romanian troops should participate in missions abroad. The...   (1 afisare)
Stolojan, Musca and Stoica deny Tariceanu
Several Liberal leaders, among which Theodor Stolojan, Mona Musca and Valeriu Stoica, believe the way Calin Popescu Tariceanu and his group tried to manipulate citizens' feelings on the withdrawal of troops from Iraq is "undignified and irresponsible."
Several members of the PNL (National Liberal Party) have elaborated press release expressing such a view. Apart from the ones already mentioned, the document is also signed by Mircea Cinteza, Raluca...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Both Americans and British are relieved
It was yesterday's CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) meeting that saved the strategic partnership with the US and Great Britain. Both the Americans and the British were relieved yesterday as the CSAT decided that Romanian troops would stay in Iraq.
The US Ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman was glad to hear the decision and mentioned the US was counting on efficient cooperation to continue in the months and years to come....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
EU accession isn't jeopardized
European Liberals' leader Graham Watson opined yesterday that a repatriation of Romanian troops from Iraq wouldn't affect Romania's accession to the EU or relations with European partners, but it could bring strain on relations with the US.
Watson opined that in any coalition government there was such strain, which he described as normal. He also claimed it was part of political games and added he believed such games played a main role in Romania....   (1 afisare)
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