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  Nr. 3654 de marti, 20 iunie 2006 
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Upgoing return to mother-ship FSN
Until a short while ago unanimity was the general rule of groups succeeding the PCR (Romanian Communist Party), which used to be the only party in Romania. The boss's decision would seldom be doubted and it was unanimously accepted almost always. The break of unanimity could mean either the start of a leader's end or the reason for eliminating the dissident. As known, the PD (Democrat Party) is derived, just like the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), from...   (2 afisari)
Tariceanu's Cabinet accused of mediocrity
The first speech the President of Romania Traian Basescu delivered in the Parliament was actually a parliamentary motion criticizing Tariceanu's Cabinet. The head of state described state institutions as "mediocre" and criticized the government for lacking strategies on the main fields and long-term solutions.
PM Tariceanu was not there to hear the President's crashing speech, which confirms the orange split for good. The PM heard the tough critique...   (3 afisari)
Pretext Paloma
The Liberals and the Democrats have found two more hot issues to dispute on. They seem to be causing the rapid deterioration of relations between the two parties. One apple of discord is a woman, ex member of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and a state secretary in the Ministry of Education. The Liberal PM dismissed her because one journalist managed to steal the history topics for the final exams. Although in no party connection to Paloma Petrescu, the PD (Democrat Party)...   (5 afisari)
Austrian message: Don't feel frustrated or depressed if there are delays
The Austrian foreign minister Ursula Plassnik has recently been interviewed by ZIUA reporter Cristian Unteanu. She mentions the Council of Europe has confirmed that to confer EU membership to both Romania and Bulgaria in January 1, 2007 is a common objective. The minister explains EU officials have praised both states for their efforts, trusting they will take even more intense efforts to settle matters still unsettled,...   (2 afisari)
Evenimentul Zilei chases ZIUA director
In one of his editorials ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu wrote that while Nastase's Cabinet was at rule the owner of Ringier Company met with PM Nastase, asking him for a Romanian child to be adopted. The Investigation Department of ZIUA wrote about how much money Evenimentul Zilei daily got from the state budget in 2005 and 2006. Now the leading board of the above-mentioned daily has decided to chase Sorin Rosca Stanescu.
They have started by...   (6 afisari)
Conservatives avoid quitting
The Political Committee of the PC (Conservative Party) agreed yesterday that a final decision on the idea the party should quit the government would be reached by the National Council to be summoned for next Sunday. After a 2-hour meeting, Political Committee members took no official stance and passed the responsibility onto the National Council. They even made "a pact of silence" so that opinions expressed in yesterday's meeting wouldn't influence the National...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
CNSAS: Tismaneanu was no collaborator of the ex Securitate
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) claims historian Vladimir Tismaneanu was neither an agent nor a collaborator of the Communist political police. In June 6 the CNSAS board reached decision that Tismaneanu was no collaborator of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service). Tismaneanu was sent a copy of the decision yesterday. The CNSAS analyzed the record on him because he...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
European Commission to ask for full transparency on structural funds
The European Commission is going to ask all EU states to provide all information on the beneficiaries, projects and value of structures funds set from Brussels, says EUObserver, citing German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine.
Structural funds are mainly used in the EU regional policy for the consolidation of infrastructure, new jobs, local development and improvement of small companies in poor areas of the EU....   (6 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scrisoare catre un prieten, test national (282 afisari)
 Pretextul Paloma (188 afisari)
 Afacerea "Colosii" (172 afisari)
 Casa lui Titel Petrescu, la un functionar ministerial (122 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (101 afisari)
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