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  Nr. 3651 de vineri, 16 iunie 2006 
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Romania: An Economic Model for the Republic of Moldova?
Olli Rehn, the EU's enlargement commissioner, has been writing much in the international press in recent times about the best way for the EU to use its 'soft power' to stabilize the Western Balkans? He never cites Romania or Bulgaria as examples of places where Brussels has successfully exported its norms and values. Instead, he has warned that the enlargement process offers certain lessons about how not to proceed in the future....   (6 afisari)      1 comentariu
The Black Sea: Innovative approaches for multilateral cooperation
A few days ago, Romania and Bulgaria passed an important milestone on their path towards the EU accession. Provided their reform efforts are sustained, in a few months the Black Sea region will include two new EU member states. With Romania and Bulgaria's imminent accession, the bonds between the European Union and the Black Sea region will be strengthened further, making the presence of the Union in the region increasingly...   (9 afisari)
Verdict: guilty
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decided yesterday that Dan Voiculescu, leader of the PC (Conservative Party), had been involved in political police activity. CNSAS heads Cazimir Ionescu and Mircea Dinescu didn't make the official announcement, claiming the verdict had to be announced to Voiculescu first. Still CNSAS-related sources say the decision incriminating the PC leader as collaborator (not agent) of the ex Securitate...   (4 afisari)
SRI fixed Voiculescu
Marius Oprea tells us: "There is a form every official fills in. It contains the answer to the question on whether he/she was part of the political police or not. If they prove Voiculescu lied, it means false statement, because of which he might be sacked as parliamentarian and lose immunity." The historian explains that, according to the law, the decision the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) reached yesterday was just preliminary....   (4 afisari)
Frigate affair muffled
-- Defense minister has got no proves
The frigates bought from Britain are good and useful to Romania. Right now there is no clue that the contract with Britain has got illegal aspects. This is what Romanian defense minister Teodor Atanasiu stated yesterday. He said it after being questioned by deputies' defense committee. Atanasiu claimed: "They are two good frigates the Romanian Military needs. One of it has already taken part in a NATO operation. It was good purchase."
The...   (3 afisari)
Blaga criticizes Agency for Integrity
Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga proceeded to tough critique of the project on the National Agency for Integrity, which Justice Minister Monica Macovei described Wednesday afternoon, during the meeting of Coalition leaders. Governmental sources say the Democrat minister was tougher than ever in his pledge against the above-mentioned project. Blaga described it as amateurish and full of "aberrant points". He argued that conceived as such, entitled...   (3 afisari)
No CIA detention centers in Romania
There have been no CIA detention centers in Romania. This is the conclusion reached by the parliamentary commission looking into accusations claiming Romania hosted such centers.
The report was sent to the Senate yesterday and senators and to have debate next Tuesday. Social-Democrat senator George Maior, member of the parliamentary commission investigating the issue, says the report includes the conclusions of research and the outcome of checks on...   (5 afisari)
EU funds for rebuilding flooded houses
Romanian President Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu are going to take action during the summer reunion of the Council of Europe in Brussels they are attending in order to get funds from the Solidarity Fund for rebuilding the flooded houses in Romania. The Austrian Presidency over the EU has already demanded that officials should look into environment matters as well.
Such request is because Romania, a country where the Danube flows,...   (4 afisari)
Maior: PSD-PD collaboration to break Coalition
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is considering both post-electoral alliance with the PD (Democrat Party) and collaboration to break the Coalition in power. PSD senator George Maior said it yesterday, Mediafax informs.
Under normal circumstances, PSD can have political alliance after elections, depending on the outcome of early elections, Maior explained. He commented: "The PSD is ready to approach elections all alone, with a firm Social-Democrat...   (2 afisari)
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