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  Nr. 3649 de miercuri, 14 iunie 2006 
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Soros's list
Because of a statement made by George Soros, one of the world's richest and most influent people, there has mounted suspicion that the scholarships his Foundation provides to citizens from states in Eastern and Central Europe are related to interests of people from the Communist secret services. Soros admitted in front of the US public opinion that his positive intentions were cheated on in states from this part of Europe. Agents of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service)...   (3 afisari)
Threat from Videanu
In June 13 ZIUA published an article titled "How to Steal Marble". As response to it, in yesterday's press conference, general mayor of Bucharest Adriean Videanu started a vehement attack against ZIUA, instead of explaining the illegal means he had used to seize the Ruschita Quarry. The mayor turned journalist initiative into an attempt of intimidation by overt threat. As for the facts that caused the scandal, Videanu admitted having bought the quarry in May 18, 1998,...   (8 afisari)
Defense minister confirms bribe clause
Romanian defense minister Theodor Atanasiu confirmed in yesterday's press conference the information ZIUA provided last week, according to which the contract on the two British frigates included a clause on bribe. Atanasiu explained: "If they prove some money was paid to a Romanian for this contract, the British have to return all the money to the Romanian state. It actually sounds like this: you give bribe, we don't care, we take all your money back....   (4 afisari)
Suspected of political police activity
Yesterday Conservatives' leader Dan Voiculescu omitted the truth on purpose, claiming it was him who had asked for an appointment to the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) board. Last week Voiculescu boasted that before becoming a vice prime minister he would make it clear once and for all that he had not collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service).
But CNSAS sources confirmed yesterday...   (2 afisari)
Lobby for child export
The ANPDC (National Agency for the Protection of Children's Rights) and the ORA (Romanian Office for Child Adoption) have denounced pressure meant to persuade Romanian authorities into reopening international child adoption. They have demanded lobby groups to let Romania stick to the policy it decided to use, Mediafax shows.
The two institutions have responded separately one day after The Financial Times published a letter signed by 33 NGOs, arguing Romania should...   (3 afisari)
Bucharest bombs
Bucharest is crammed with real chemical bombs. There are deposits of ammonia, for instance, which industry enterprises in Bucharest used while Ceausescu rules. Even today most of them are still there. Some are rather safe, some can be any time the target of a lunatic or terrorist. In case of severe earthquake or terrorist attack, they might cause thousands of people to die.
Although it seems hard to imagine, such a catastrophe is no fancy at all. Bucharest is the most...   (4 afisari)
Tariceanu wants Executive restructuring to take place in autumn
PM Tariceanu explained yesterday this was no right time for restructuring the Romanian Executive and insisted it should be tackled in autumn, after the release of the European Commission's monitoring report. In his interview to Europa FM he mentioned: "We know right now we are taking intense efforts to meet requirements and we know ministries and agencies must work hard. Given this, I think it is an error to keep on talking...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ambassadors paid visit to say goodbye
Alaxandr Tolkaci, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Romania, and Wilfried Gruber, Ambassador of Germany to Bucharest along with Canadian Ambassador Franco Pillarella paid a visit to Cotroceni Palace yesterday to say goodbye to the President of Romania, as their missions were over.
While talking to Russia's representative, President Basescu expressed one more time Romania's wish to develop relations with Russia on fair terms, just...   (3 afisari)
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