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  Nr. 3646 de sambata, 10 iunie 2006 
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Powerful nations
There is universal agreement now that that the characteristic of the modern world is interdependence. But we haven't yet had time to think through its consequences or understood that the international rule book has been ripped up.
Interdependence - the fact of a crisis somewhere becoming a crisis everywhere - makes a mockery of traditional views of national interest. Nations, even as large and powerful as the USA, are now affected profoundly and at breakneck speed...   (3 afisari)
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The Black Sea Crossroads
Thank you, President Basescu and Foreign Minister Ungureanu, for hosting the Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership. It is a pleasure o be here to represent the people of the United States. It is a double pleasure to be back in Romania where I served as the United States Ambassador to this wonderful country.
The world is changing rapidly - and as it changes, it presents nations with both opportunities and challenges. People in many countries are experiencing...   (16 afisari)
Social Democrats blame each other for frigate deal
Those Social Democrats who were part of the ex government headed by Adrian Nastase and who are involved, one way or the other, in the scandal on the acquisition of two British frigates, are not blaming each other.
It was ex PM Adrian Nastase who signed government decision 1423/2002 on the purchase of frigates. He is now claiming that the defense minister was the one who had pleaded for the contract and was responsible for the transaction.
When...   (2 afisari)
Attack against Bucharest-London-Washington Axis
Scandal on frigate deal has now reached Bucharest. And it doesn't only trouble the state if things here, but the Black Sea region as well. Some 'coincidences' that are not real in the world of information are pointing to a rather straight attack against Romania's new security and foreign affairs policies, which President Traian Basescu managed to sum up in his announcement on the Bucharest-London-Washington Axis.
A short while ago, while...   (4 afisari)
Oprea: You can't see your prey next to you in the government
Yesterday a ZIUA journalist interviewed historian Marius Oprea, the Romanian PM's security adviser. Oprea said he would resign if the Dan Voiculescu, head of Romanian Conservatives, became a vice prime minister, and explained it was because of the Conservative's past, in strong ties with the ex Communist Secret Service.
Voiculescu replied he would sue the security adviser unless the latter took his accusations back....   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu and Tariceanu to attend Brussels summer reunion
Romanian President Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu are going to attend the summer reunion of the Council of Europe due in Brussels in June 15-16. The head of state is going to meet with representatives of the EPP, presidency adviser Adriana Saftoiu said yesterday.
Although Romanian authorities demanded the European Commission to include in the report released in May a precise date on Romania's accession,...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Videanu knock out
General mayor of Bucharest Adriean Videanu failed to reach deal with all owners of grounds in the Basarab passage area. In yesterday's meeting he tried a petty trick to manipulate Bucharest City Hall advisers so that Basarab passage would be declared public utility. Had he succeeded, almost 80 landowners would have been deprived of properties. Social-Democrat advisers managed to put the mayor's intention at a standstill, because many representatives of the Liberal-Democrat...   (4 afisari)
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