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  Nr. 3643 de miercuri, 7 iunie 2006 
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Politics incompatible to business is a myth breaking to pieces
The rule of Tariceanu's Cabinet, who have somehow made the previous rulers' hidden practices official, along with disputes on restructuring the government prove it is very possible that in a short while a myth admitted even by those distrusting it is about to break to pieces in Romania. It is about that mythical complete separation between politicians and businessmen. This principle was listed when the Liberals led by Valeriu...   (1 afisare)
Copos charged
The High Court of Justice is to sue ex vice prime minister of Romanian George Copos for fiscal fraud against the Romanian state reaching more than 1 million Euro. Prosecutors from the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) charged the politician yesterday after about 5 months of investigations. Copos's allies are also charged and they are to be sued as well. One of them is Nicolae Cristea, ex president of the Romanian Lottery. The two of them and more people committed crimes...   (2 afisari)
Executive restructuring postponed
The restructuring of the Romania Executive was postponed. The leaders of the four parties in the ruling Coalition failed to reach consensus on such an operation. The Democrats' idea that delegate ministers and ministers without portfolio should be eliminated failed too, because everyone was against it. Both the PC (Conservative Party), whose president has just decided to become a vice prime minister, and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) opposed...   (1 afisare)
Deputies passed new Criminal Code
-- Authorities allowed to intercept phone calls 48 hours
Romanian deputies passed the new Criminal Code yesterday, as only 25 of them voted against it. Coalition representatives along with independent deputies and minorities' representatives voted for the project. Most Social-Democrats were for it too. The text on phone call interception caused much dispute, of course. After the talks of Coalition representatives, deputies decided that state authorities might...   (2 afisari)
Romania is source and springboard for human trafficking
In spite of progress with fighting human trafficking, the government of Romania has not really met the minimum standards. This is the conclusion reached in the 6th yearly report of the US Administration, released on Monday by the US State Department. Bucharest officials have still got problems with identifying and protecting victims, as well as with supporting NGOs in the field.
Romania is included in the level 2 list, pointing...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Polish delegation paid visit to Cotroceni
A delegation representing the Polish Parliament, led by Bogdan Barusewicz, head of the Polish Senate, paid a visit to Cotrocani Palace yesterday to meet the President of Romania Traian Basescu. The visitors expressed appreciation for the Romanian officials' attitude at the Polish minority in Romania and opined it proved Romania had applied EU criteria on national minorities from the very beginning.
The President of Romania and the...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Cozma and Iliescu face to face in June 13-15
The ex president of Romania Ion Iliescu and the coal miners' ex leader Miron Cozma are going to have face to face confrontation in June 13-15, at 16 years since the coal miners' attacks in June 1990. Cozma is now in prison and the ex president was also charged in the case. The meeting to take place can bring surprises, if Cozma decides to speak up. Last year when questioned he claimed one prosecutors had asked to twist the account on...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania to buy Peles Castle back
In yesterday's press conference the Romanian minister of culture Adrian Iorgulescu announced Romania would buy the Peles Castle back for 30 million Euro. The Peles Castle is to be returned now to the Royal House of Romania.
According to Iorgulescu, the Royal House made an offer to the government for agreement or transaction after the castle was returned. He explained: "We have got a new offer from the Royal House. Soon after the castle is returned...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Calomnia si insulta eliminate (363 afisari)
 S-a furat muzeul dacilor (239 afisari)
 Romania, sursa si trambulina pentru traficul de carne vie (167 afisari)
 ZIUA si replica (86 afisari)
 "Romania nu va vrea" (69 afisari)
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