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  Nr. 3635 de luni, 29 mai 2006 
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Save St. Joseph Cathedral and the University Square
Yesterday evening representatives of the Catholic Archbishopric of Bucharest thanked all those who supported efforts to save the treasures of Bucharest. St. Joseph Cathedral is one of them, part of the national heritage and a significant sacred place for Romanian Catholics. Archbishopric representatives and priests in the crowd gathering in front of the Cathedral every evening express trust in the well-meaningness of Romanian society, along...   (3 afisari)
Konrad Adenauer in search of efficient cooperation at the new EU border
Konrad Adenauer Foundation arranged debate on efficient approaches to Black Sea cooperation, which took place in Bucharest at the end of last week. Many analysts and diplomats attended the event. (...)
Gunther Dill, president of the above-mentioned foundation, outlined in the opening the main difficulties the region was facing: energy problems, fight of organized criminality and environment difficulties.
Jorg...   (2 afisari)
Quarantine in district 5
Almost 200 inhabitants of Bucharest are under quarantine in district 5. The Anti-Epizootic Committee members had a meeting on Saturday evening and decided to declare quarantine and put domestic fowl to sleep. At midnight experts' teams started chasing them. (...)
Authorities decided special protection measures on a part of Nufarul Galben Street, after preliminary tests had confirmed the bird flu virus. This is the third quarter in Bucharest under quarantine, after...   (2 afisari)
Restructuring of government is mission impossible
Romanian Democrats and Liberals are to try once again today to reach consensus on the idea to restructure the government. In the previous meeting of Alliance leaders they failed to agree. The main point they disagree on is the Democrats' wish that Romania should have an Executive of 15-17 ministers, whereas the Liberals are claiming that they need to decide on principles first and then proceed to changes.
The leaders of the PNL (National...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
US asks Russia to withdraw troops from Basarabia
The Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty cannot be ratified as long as Moscow authorities refuse to withdraw equipment and military forces from the Moldovan Republic. This is what Paula de Sutter, US state under secretary, said last week during her visit to Chisinau. The US envoy explained the treaty could not ratified if one of the sides disrespected one of the main principles in the document: the presence of foreign military...   (1 afisare)
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Romanians prefer Basescu
Most Romanians (42%) believe the present government will be replaced soon. In case Tariceanu's Cabinet collapsed because of parliamentary motion, 29% Romanians think presidency adviser Theodor Stolojan would make a good PM. President Traian Basescu is still the most popular politician and the Democrat Party is best rated. These are some of the conclusions reached in the later opinion poll by INSOMAR. (...) (O.B.)   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Communist agents stole from Romanian-Christian Democrats
One record in the Military Prosecution shows that the coal miners' attacks in the 90s were the outcome of a conspiracy aimed at destroying political parties. It was also meant to be an obstacle against the democratization of Romania. At that time, the recently established department UM 0215 played a leading role in the diversion targeting the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) and the PNL (National Liberal Party)....   (2 afisari)
Social-Democrats proceed to 'Flutur's flu' motion
Romanian Social -Democrats are to come up with parliamentary motion 'Flutur's flu' today. They are going to read it out in the Senate and have debate next Thursday. Cristian Diaconescu, spokesman of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), announced it yesterday. The Social-Democrats want Romanian agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur to resign, together with all local officials handling the bird flu crisis in Romania. They also want...   (1 afisare)
Antonescu's days are counted
Crin Antonescu, leader of Liberal deputies, has got his days counted. Last week he criticized PM Tariceanu, claiming the latter's government was made of 'good friends'. Then Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies and a real friend of the PM's, suddenly remembered that Antonescu was not in the habit of going to work and warned him that he would never have such an official position again.
But Crin Antonescu might not even make it...   (1 afisare)
TIBCO 2006 to open
Romexpo has arranged TIBCO 2006, an International Fair for Consumer Good, to take place in May 31-June 4 in Bucharest. More than 400 participants are to attend the 23rd edition of TIBCO. There are 240 Romanian companies along with 160 foreign ones. 20 states are represented: Austria, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, the Arab States, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Italy, the Moldovan Republic, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Syria, Sudan, Thailand, Turkey and...   (1 afisare)
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