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  Nr. 3633 de vineri, 26 mai 2006 
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Fire the cannons against Radu Timofte!
The SRI (Romanian Secret Service) report, declassified so fast, has caused huge scandal and responses. The most clever intelligence service afforded to mistake the hen for the turkey in a matter of great importance. It has thus fuelled all its critics who accuse the SRI of amateurishness and want the SRI head Radu Timofte sacked. The wretched SRI report is an excellent pretext for anyone who wants to get even with the SRI. There is now great scandal...   (2 afisari)
Mr. Europe's 7 Hours in Bucharest
-- Jose Durao Barroso's Diary Entry for 17 May 2006
It would have been embarrassing if I had stayed away from Bucharest and Sofia. But these have been places I have tried to avoid once I learned of my predecessor, Gunther Verheugen's soft-headed policies of integrating them without ensuring proper reforms had occurred.
What a shock Bucharest is to the senses! We drove to Victoria palace almost at the speed of lightning but it is plain to see that the...   (2 afisari)
Illegal officials
Romanian officials gathering in Victoria Palace on Wednesday took a measure the law banned, at times when Romania was facing bird flu crisis. The decisions reached by the PM as head of the Anti-Epizootic Office are null. Basescu's choice for Tariceanu to handle the bird flu spreading is illegal. The President didn't take into account government decision 1218/ 2005. According to the latter, it is only the agriculture minister who may be head of the Anti-Epizootic Office....   (1 afisare)
Cathedral beats bird flu
Yesterday Romanian President Traian Basescu had a meeting with the general mayor of Bucharest and with district mayors as well. It lasted about 45 minutes, but it was not on the bird flu, as announced, but on the state of certain projects regarding Bucharest city. General mayor of Bucharest Adriean Videanu said it after the meeting. When asked if the issues were so important for the Romanian President to summon mayors to his hospital ward, Videanu answered it was...   (2 afisari)
Liberal masquerade
-- Antonescu: The PM made a government of good allies
Liberal deputies' leader Crin Antonescu did harsh critique of PM Tariceanu yesterday, claiming the latter had made "a government of good allies." He said the PM was hesitating to restructure the Executive, although it was needed. Antonescu demanded Tariceanu to unveil the collaboration of all Cabinet ministers and advisers with various administration councils or privatization committees, due to which officials gained...   (1 afisare)
Democrats swear support to government
Adriean Videanu, executive leader of the PD (Democrat Party), said yesterday: "The PM can't be replaced. We must stick to constitutional and legal points. Governmental stability is the most important thing to us right now."
When asked about the idea to sack the Democrat minister of transport Gheorghe Dobre, Videanu answered: "Everybody can be replaced", except for PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The PD leader opined that the latter would...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Poultry industry at loss
Bird flu is doing much harm to poultry products providers and producers. Most poultry farms are facing great losses: 60%-90%. Before the bird flu outburst traders used to transaction dozen tons of chicken meat a day, but right now the sale is getting scarcer and scarcer. Great producers such as Avicola Calarasi company used to trade about 60 tons of chicken meat a day. Right now there are only 10-15 tons at stake every day, in the best case.
Small...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania might join EU in 2008
Just one week after the European Commission's hesitation to express recommendation for the time when Romania and Bulgaria would join the EU, Medifax agency cites a statement made by EU observer Adrian Severin, according to whom certain groups gave already decided that Romania will be admitted in January 1, 2008. The Social Democrat observer from Romania is said to have mentioned that Anca Boagiu, Romanian minister for European integration, wouldn't...   (1 afisare)
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