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  Nr. 3628 de sambata, 20 mai 2006 
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Twilight of our political gods
For some time I thought that the Twenty-Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was probably the best way to ensure that political leaders do not overstay their welcome, and, just as importantly, wear out their effectiveness. This Amendment bars US Presidents from holding office for more than two four-year terms.
Perhaps I had forgotten the travails of President George W. Bush's predecessors in their second term, but his own current predicament...   (1 afisare)
Copos suspended
The criminal vice prime minister of Romania is about to lose his political position he is in the habit of using to see to his personal business. Prosecutors from the National Anti-Corruption Department are getting ready to press charges against this top member of the Conservative Party. In his interview to ZIUA Copos says he knows the Constitution and swore to respect it. When the reporter read article 109 for him - "charges pressed against a member of the government call...   (3 afisari)
Bird flu in Bucharest
Bird flu reached Bucharest last evening. Romanian agriculture minister announced that rapid tests confirmed the bird flu virus in two households in Bucharest. One is in district 2, close to Andronache cemetery, and the other one is in district 4, Odei Street. The minister mentioned authorities started to kill fowl in the area. He claimed there was no need of quarantine on the entire area, because the virus was identified in the outskirts. But the persons in the two...   (5 afisari)
Basescu wants inquiry
Romanian President Traian Basescu who is in Elias Hospital for recovery asked the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) head Radu Timofte yesterday to check and see why he had been carried from one hospital to another before leaving for Vienna to have surgery. Timofte visited the Romanian President in his hospital ward yesterday and said afterwards that Basescu demanded him for checks and evaluation. Timofte opined that what had happened before the head of state set out for...   (2 afisari)
Romanian Press Club denounces authorities' pressure on journalists
The Romanian Press Club demands authorities to stop putting pressure on journalists to disclose the sources they use for information. The Romanian Press Club thinks it is not normal that ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu should be frequently summoned to the Prosecutor's Office for questioning on the sources used by ZIUA journalists.
Here is the English version of the press release from the Romanian Press Club:
"The...   (1 afisare)
Democrats work on Executive changes
Romanian Democrats want to test the responses of both public opinion and political class and hence they are making up negotiations within the Coalition in power. They are actually claiming that the four parties in the Coalition are getting ready for substantial changes in the Executive. They claim it will be announced after the PD (Democrat Party), the PNL (National Liberal Party), the PC (Conservative Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Prince Radu on the Tour of Friendship
Price Radu, Special Representative of the Romanian Government, initiated "The Tour of Friendship" in Italy, using the principle at work in the US: visiting important regions and local communities to get them in contact with similar partners in Romania.
Price Radu is paying an official visit to Italy these days. He was invited by the Ovidio Association, established in Romania by Italian businessmen from Tuscany. Before reaching Florence,...   (3 afisari)
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 Misionarii cosmici (1011 afisari)
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 Take Ionescu, memorialistul (262 afisari)
 Prognoza pentru Litoral (155 afisari)
 Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu - un elogiu (151 afisari)
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