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  Nr. 3627 de vineri, 19 mai 2006 
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When the President recovers
I don't wish ill of the President. After he recuperates in Austria from a lengthy operation which is bound to have diminished his strength, I wish him a complete recovery. If necessary, he should take all the rest he needs so that he returns refreshed to his duties.
His herniated disk arose at what is sure to be seen as one of the turning points of his presidency. Former allies were beginning to lose faith in him as a locomotive of reform due to his uncertain...   (1 afisare)
Is Europe turning toward a strong euro?
European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet made news at the press conference following the May meeting of the ECB Governing Council not by what he said, but by what he did not say. Trichet, who on occasion has protested increases in the strengthening of the euro, refused to object to its recent appreciation even when encouraged to do so by several reporters.
Is this a sign that the tide is turning in Europe in favor of a stronger...   (3 afisari)
Democrats put up with minorities' status
Emil Boc's Democrats are very scared at the messages expressed by EU officials Jose Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn and they are ready to put up with the cultural autonomy which the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) is promoting within the law project on national minorities' status. Sources from the PD (Democrat Party) say the Democrats are considering the idea to gradually put up with the much controversial cultural autonomy, set in chapter...   (2 afisari)
Bird flu spreads around Romania
Bird flu is now marching throughout Romania. Authorities' measures have not been that efficient outside Bucharest. More bird flu cases are emerging in the country, showing that the disaster is spreading not only because of the sick poultry in Codlea. Sanitary-veterinary top officials were dismissed, but no one has taken over yet. Under pressure from public opinion, authorities have started to reach the guilty and they are hasty about sanctions. The police...   (2 afisari)
Geoana is after Iliescu's Front
Mircea Geoana wants to control all the moves Ion Iliescu is planning to make in May 23, when he is to launch the Social Front. Geoana wants control for fear the Front should become a political party. The president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) sent PSD senator Dan Mircea Popescu to propose to Ion Iliescu a set of conditions that the ex head of state could not put up with, claim party sources. The head of Romanian Social-Democrats actually wants to see...   (1 afisare)
Democrats stand by Stolojan
Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga said presidency adviser Theodor Stolojan should resign if he wanted to make his project on the consolidation of the PNL (National Liberal Party) credible. The Democrat minister mentioned: "It is the fact that he is a presidency adviser that makes his project not credible. People will say it is Romanian President Traian Basescu who will throw him in battle, which is not true."
Ex presidency adviser Elena...   (1 afisare)
Senators play truant
Romanian senators are keen on playing truant. Although during this week's "group therapy against relaxation" with PM Tariceanu the Coalition leaders decided that final voting would be due every two Thursdays, senators keep on dropping Thursday sessions. When yesterday's session started, PRM ("Great Romania" Party) member Gheorghe Funar asked the session should be suspended, because in the room there were only 62 senators instead of the 69 necessary. The UDMR...   (1 afisare)
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