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  Nr. 3624 de marti, 16 mai 2006 
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Royal House dissatisfied with slow property restitution
The Royal Family is dissatisfied with the slow speed of the process to restitute Peles Castle. The Royal Family's lawyer Adrian Vasiliu claims that the Romanian Ministry of Culture is deliberately preventing the restitution. (...) He also says he is not satisfied with the progress of negotiations with the Ministry of Culture, although the Royal House representatives have been very cooperative.
Adrian Vasiliu also explains...   (4 afisari)
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The Vacaresti affair
The 'white collars' among the orange rulers took over 'an affair' reaching half a billion Euro from Nastase's government. Adriean Videanu, the Democrat mayor of Bucharest, refuses to restitute the surface of the ex Vacaresti Lake to the true owners. He invokes a contract of concession between the Romanian State and some fishy Romanian-Australian investor, signed while Nastase ruled. Moreover, Videanu boasts about a megalomaniac project to be built on grounds...   (16 afisari)
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Tariceanu won't replace Executive members
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that he was not considering the idea to make changes in the government structure, adding "you don't change the horses when you cross the river."
It was actually a reply to what Romanian Democrats' leader Emil Boc claimed a few days before, saying there would be changes in the government so that there would be as many ministers as in the governments of EU states. (...)
When asked...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Barroso and Olli Rehn to talk to deputies' representatives
Jose Barroso, president of the European Commission, and the EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn are to talk to the officials in the Chamber of Deputies in Romania tomorrow, says Dan Radu Rusanu, secretary of the Parliament Chamber.
The two EU officials are to pay a visit to Romania right after the release of the European Commission's report. Rusanu mentions they have expressed wish to talk to deputies' officials...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu walked around the room 10 times
Romanian president Traian Basescu is making progress with his recovery after the surgery he underwent last week. This is the conclusion expressed yesterday by the doctors in Vienna, says Rador.
Neurosurgeon Engelbert Knosp says the Romanian president walked around his hospital room 10 times and opines this is good progress. Doctors also say the president's weaknesses are improving every day he can walk normally, with no pain.
The...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bird flu for sale
Poultry products produced by SC Drakom Silva SRL-Codlea are giving a hard time to authorities, because there is great risk citizens should fall ill. 10 tons of chicken meat coming from the bird flue center have already been sold in several cities of Romania, Bucharest included. Prosecutors have opened three criminal cases against the administrators of SC Drakom Silva SRL, SC Patiprod Co SRL and Protan SRL, charging them with disobedience to measures to prevent...   (1 afisare)
European Commission keeps Romania in suspense
Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, head of the European Commission, is to release reports on Romania and Bulgaria today at 4:00 p.m. The report is to be presented to the MEPs in Strasbourg. EU officials' attitude seemed favorable to the two states waiting to join the EU. Still yesterday evening MEPs seemed reticent to the evolution of Romania and Bulgaria as tandem on the way to the EU. There was a tendency to postpone the announcement on the date...   (3 afisari)
European Commission's report: A pill bitterer than we want
Mircea Geoana went to Brussels for a meeting with Socialist ministers of foreign affairs in the EU. He has provided us with some details on what the Socialist group in the Parliament of Europe thinks about the accession of Romania and Bulgaria and also on estimations about the European Commission's report.
What is indeed interesting is the assumption that the report is highly likely to mention January 1, 2007 as date for accession,...   (1 afisare)
Quayle tells Romania goodbye
As his mandate is up, British Ambassador to Romanian Quinton Quayle is leaving Romania optimistic about its future. He appreciates the latest speedy progress. He says that when he first arrived here in November 2002, Romania was not a NATO member, it didn't end talks with the EU. Still he mentions at that time there were people convinced Romania would fulfill talks for the EU accession by December 2004 in order to join the community in January 1, 2007. Therefore...   (3 afisari)
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