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  Nr. 3621 de vineri, 12 mai 2006 
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The Stolojan operation is two-sided
Some time ago I expressed my belief that PM Tariceanu might be sacked if Romania failed, even if partly, to join the European Union. At that time there didn't seem to be a visible conflict between president Traian Basescu and the PM. The conflict has grown large in the meantime and now it is irreversible. Unless in May 16 there is decision that Romania will join the EU in January 1, 2007, unless in the European Commission's report there is mentioned...   (1 afisare)
Geoana gets to know the outskirts
The parliamentary alliance announced between the PSD and PRM signifies many things. It reveals once again how resourceful the PSD can be in its ceaseless bid to capture power. In terms of tactics and mounting surprise political operations, it is far more skilful than the shipwrecked Alianta parties even when they were united. It can embrace the Hungarians as long lost brothers in one political season, find room for the Roma on its electoral lists...   (3 afisari)
Four red flags
Romania is eager to see the European Commission's report due in May 16, on which both the future and present on Bucharest politics depends. The report project that reached Reuters agency shows there are four fields under red flags: the system on information on tax collecting, the VAT (valued added tax) included, the assimilation of EU funds in agriculture, the sanitary-veterinary system and the fiscal audit. This is in keeping with what Leonard Orban, a state secretary in...   (1 afisare)
Bugging state
Romanian officials are making the criminal regime harsher and cutting a little on Romanians' rights. Monica Macovei and Norica Nicolai shook hands and decided that phone calls might be intercepted for 180 days instead of 120. Deputies' juridical commission consented unanimously to an amendment on the Criminal Procedure Code, belonging to the Liberal senator who had had her niece vote instead of her. The Minister of Justice agreed to the proposal, but she didn't behave accordingly....   (1 afisare)
Ticu Dumitrescu: The FSN monolith rules the CNSAS
Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu, a well-known fighter against communism who has been pleading for the unveiling of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service), has recently been interviewed by a ZIUA reporter.
Ticu Dumitrescu opines that in the new board of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) there has already been shaped a majority of members of the ex FSN (Front for National salvation), now...   (8 afisari)
PSD and PRM deny each other
The verbal protocol between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) is out. Yesterday Geoana and his men were no longer enthusiastic about signing a document with Vadim Tudor's party, as they were scared at the negative response. But the PRM took a step back yesterday too. Deputy Lia Olguta Vasilescu announced that in the PRM there were many members against a protocol of collaboration with the PSD. She explained: "If Vadim Tudor asks...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
President started kinetotherapy and signed 19 decrees
Romanian president Traian Basescu is recovery after his surgery. Presidency adviser Adriana Saftoiu announced yesterday that kinetotherapy procedures didn't stop Basescu from being very active, getting visitors or signing decrees and talking to some EU officials on the phone. (...)
Tariceanu wants to visit Basescu
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu was intending to visit the Romanian president yesterday to the AKH...   (9 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Brussels officials asked environment minister about Rosia Montana
The gold mine project for Rosia Montana in the Apuseni Mountains, elaborated by Gabriel Resources Canadian Company (through Rosia Montana Gold Corporation Company in Romania) is as controversial as it was when initiated. The thirst for finance and pressure from shareholders and citizens force the Canadian company to try and complete all authorization procedures with the Romanian state as soon as possible. This is...   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Stephenson and Hart are free
Bucharest Court magistrates dismissed yesterday Romanian prosecutors' request to arrest US citizens Philip Stephenson and Colin Hart investigated in the Rompetrol case. Still investigations on the two US businessmen will continue.
But the decision reached by magistrate Liliana Ciuperca is not final. Three judges from Bucharest Court of Appeal are to handle magistrates' appeal announced yesterday right after the trial. (...) (V.R.)   (3 afisari)
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