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  Nr. 3618 de marti, 9 mai 2006 
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Russia's Fascist temptation
Today's Kremlin thinks that democracy was being built too quickly in Russia. The government does not say that it is against democracy, only that it is untimely and needs to be delayed - a logic that manifests itself in most official decisions.
Thus, at the beginning of the current decade, the democratic system of political checks and balances that had been created in the 1990's began to be dismantled. Before 2000, there was an influential, independent press...   (3 afisari)
"Peles Castle has been and will be a museum!"
In his recent interview to Rompres His Majesty King Mihai I claims he has been given back none of his properties so far. He explains that all he has got so far - Savarsin Castle and two buildings in Bucharest - is due to consent from Justice, after a 2-year trial.
King Mihai has denied all rumors on Peles Castle that will no longer be a museum, emphasizing that the building will continue to be a museum. The King also explains a royal family...   (10 afisari)
Nomenclature staff guiltier than Communist agents
More than half of Romanians think the ex nomenclature staff are guiltier than the es Securitate (Communist Secret Service) agents as far as communist crimes are concerned.
The latest opinion poll by Social Research Office shows people want to find out about the connection between present officials and the ex Securitate and they also want to take a look at the records on such officials. Most Romanians (37%) say people proved to have been...   (2 afisari)
Revolutionaries' assault against PSD
About 150 revolutionaries from the BNR (National Revolutionaries' Association) protested in front of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) headquarters in Bucharest yesterday, crying out against Iliescu and Cutean. Demonstrators demanded that Cutean should no longer head the parliamentary commission and political support for senator Ion Iliescu should end. (...)
The BNR head opined that, in case Geoana had a pact with Iliescu in order to protect him, this...   (3 afisari)
Iliescu - KGB
Vladimir Bukovski has got documents proving the revolutions in Eastern Europe were plotted by Moscow. The famous Russian dissident claimed: "In October 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev ordered the Political Office in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to plan changes in Eastern Europe. I found the decision. "
Gorbachev chose Iliescu for Romania. Bukovski said more: "One of the Bulgarian leaders, Mladenov (who replaced Jivkov in 1989), mentioned: <Iliescu is very good for us...   (9 afisari)
President's party is unbiased
Romanian Democrats are against "getting in disputes" with the Liberals, but still they are doing their best to stand by Romanian president Traian Basescu.
In yesterday's conference the Democrats focussed on proving that the liberals' critique of the Romanian president was groundless. It came before party matters in yesterday's meeting.
Leader Emil Boc lamented: "The PD (Democrat Party) will never get into games in order to avoid the emergence of a...   (4 afisari)
European Socialists are concerned
The likely agreement between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) is reason for the European Socialists' concern, since parties in the Socialist International and the European Socialist Party are keen on not getting associated to xenophobe parties. This is what Jan Marinus Wiersma, vice president of the Socialist group in the Parliament of Europe, said yesterday, claiming that his group was worried about the information...   (1 afisare)
UCM to become party
The Democrats in Covasna appreciate the making of a new Magyar party for Romanian politics, in case the UCM (Magyar Civic Union) manages to establish the Magyar Civic Party. Gheorghe Baciu, president of the Democrats in Covasna, said yesterday that he was glad as the Magyar electorate in Romania would no longer have a single party. He added he would like Romania to have at least 4 or 5 parties of the kind. He opined that after registering as party the UCM...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nastase's Cabinet did favors to Stolojan's company
Mugur Ciuvica, president of the GIP (Group for Political Investigations), accused Theodor Stolojan yesterday of having agreed to facilities for a company owned by his family and in debt to the state budget. But the ex leader of the PNL (National Liberal Party) had claimed in his political statements that recalculation of debts meant encouragement for corruption.
In a press release titled "Theodor Stolojan's Demagogy", Ciuvica...   (1 afisare)
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Presidential hernia
Although announced yesterday at 5:00 pm by proffesor Sorin Oprescu, in charge of the medical, to undergo surgery at Elias Hospital in Bucharest, the president of Romania decided last night to have the surgery at the AKH Clinic in Vienna and departured for Austria around midnight.
The day before yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu was diagnosed with hernia. Yesterday at noon he had more medical tests. Doctors decided surgery was needed at once.
Being...   (3 afisari)
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