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  Nr. 3617 de luni, 8 mai 2006 
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A new bargain for UN reform
The United Nations is torn apart by internal tensions. No sooner was the controversy over the creation of a Human Rights Council satisfactorily resolved than a new battle has erupted. The United States is pressing for administrative reforms and threatening to cut off funding if the reforms are not forthcoming.
The Secretary General has submitted a reasonable reform plan, but a majority of UN member states, acting together as the so-called G-77, are balking,...   (2 afisari)
Alliance looks like lampoon
Mircea Dinescu read out a lampoon on Romanian president Traian Basescu during Liberals' meeting. It opened real political quarrels in the PNL (National Liberal Party) - PD (Democrat Party) Alliance. The piece was on the condemnation of communism, an issue the Liberals had been tackling in order to get credit.
Emil Boc's Democrats were intrigued by the contents as well as by the Liberals' response. The latter and PM Tariceanu first of all had great fun when...   (1 afisare)
Social-Democrats at discord because of Vadim
The future of the protocol on collaboration between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) is uncertain. The PSD leader Mircea Geoana is to explain today to his colleagues in the National permanent Committee the reasons why he wants the PSD to have parliamentary collaboration with the PRM and why he had no consulting with anyone before breaking the news on such collaboration.
Together with Corneliu...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Bukovski supports Romanian fighters against communism
World famous Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovski was to arrive to Bucharest yesterday evening. He is to attend the meeting of Romanian fighters of communism in Brasov. The 15 Noiembrie 1987 Association in Brasov has arranged the event. (...)
Bukosvki is one top expert in the history of communism and he has often expressed willingness to support Romanian efforts to investigate Communist crimes. He has also pointed to a "Moscow-Chisinau-Bucharest"...   (3 afisari)
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UN Commission to handle Bastroe project
Today the UN Commission to handle the transborder environmental impact of Bastroe canal is to meet Romanian civil society members and environment experts at the Environment Ministry in Bucharest. The commission is to analyze the environment impact of Bastroe canal to be built in the Ukrainian side of the Black Sea. Commission representatives are visiting Romania and Ukraine for information in May 8-12. (...) (G.D.)   (1 afisare)
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General attorney reopens Poiana Mare case
It is the second time that Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos has decided to reopen investigations on the Poiana Mare case. This is about the mysterious death of several patients in the mental hospital in Poiana Mare.
According to the general attorney, the first investigators' inquiry was inappropriate. Botos says he publicly expressed dissatisfaction with it the first minute he heard the conclusions reached by the first team of...   (3 afisari)
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Substantial funds for tourism
The Executive has decided to provide more than 325 million Euro for the development of tourism in Romania in the next three years. The National Authority for Tourism is to distribute the funds, announced Livia Sima, head of this institution, yesterday.
She said in press conference that the financing due in 2006-2008 was meant for 5 tourism development programs the National Authority for Tourism elaborated. 90 million Euro are to be used for the...   (11 afisari)
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 Biblioteca - tezaur si centru de cercetare (116 afisari)
 MCC incepe informatizarea bibliotecilor publice (100 afisari)
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