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  Nr. 3605 de joi, 20 aprilie 2006 
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Idealism, realism and U.S. foreign policy (I)
Iran says it has enriched uranium. Hosni Mubarak is claiming that Shia in Sunni states are traitors to their countries. The French are in political and economic gridlock. With all these urgent things going on, it seems to us that it is time to talk of something important, something that has driven and divided American politics for centuries and will continue to do so: the argument between those who have been called idealists and those who...   (1 afisare)
48-hour ears
The law project on information and security now under public debate after the last meeting of the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Security) includes some ambiguous phrases, allowing the secret services to interfere in the citizen's private life even if there is no authorization from a judge or prosecutors.
Article 55 in the project decides on risks and treats regarding national security. Starting from it, the secret services could manage to intercept phone calls or even...   (1 afisare)
CNSAS started to question parliamentarians
Yesterday the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) started to question Liberal senator Ion Basgan and UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) senator Csaba Sogor on the records their names were in. (...)
The CNSAS decided yesterday to no longer talk about people summoned to questioning before reaching final conclusions. The institution explains in press release: "We are against attempts to make the...   (1 afisare)
Parliament defeated Basescu
-- Deputies voted against ordinance to modify referendum law
Romanian deputies wouldn't allow president Traian Basescu to ask citizens for opinion. Yesterday they played against the head of state by voting for the second time against the ordinance to modify the referendum law. The latter would have enlarged the scope on which the head of state could have asked for citizens' opinions by means of referendum. The president of Romanian had sent the ordinance back to...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tismaneanu forces Basescu
Vladimir Tismaneanu, head of the presidential commission to look into the communist dictatorship in Romania, said in yesterday's debate when president Traian Basescu got nailed to the wall for his hesitations to condemn communism that he would have no compromise with the definition of the ex Securitate as "criminal organization" for as long as it had existed.
Tismaneanu stated yesterday: "I believe the Securitate was a criminal organization since...   (8 afisari)
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Both 3-year clauses and monitoring after accession
Confidential sources from the Parliament of Europe sent us a text that was yesterday on the desk of EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn. The latter is to speak up in front of the Parliament of Europe in May 26. The questions belong to members of the Foreign Affairs Committee and refer to some new versions on the post-accession years of Romania and Bulgaria.
It is mainly about means to set some safeguard clauses in Justice and internal...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Cozma stays in prison
Romanian senators dismissed yesterday proposal coming from 9 PRM ("Great Romania" Party) senators to amnesty undermining of the state power. Liberal senator Norica Nicolai explained it was about a political project on Miron Cozma, ex leader of the coal miners. Nicolai claimed the initiative of the 9 senators from the PRM was actually asking Romanians to forget about the events in Costesti and was after amnesty on the 6 union leaders (Miron Cosma, Ionel Ciontu,...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Danube unbound
Because of the Danube everybody was worried about only two things yesterday: evacuation of river locality inhabitants and consolidation of breakwaters, where possible. In the district of Dolj there was the most difficult situation. Some thousand people were evacuated and the operation wasn't over last evening. Soldiers handling flooded areas had a hard time dealing with people who wouldn't leave instead of handing waters flowing over dikes.
Hydrologists have...   (2 afisari)
Social-Democrats at war because of Vanghelie
Ion Iliescu denied yesterday all official statements on his support for Marian Vanghelie to become executive president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) organization in Bucharest. The ex president of the latter party said it clearly in his interview to Rompres that Vanghelie belonged to the City Hall of Bucharest Sector 5, but not on top of the main PSD organization.
Iliescu also explained the difficulties of the PSD weren't...   (1 afisare)
Sign petition against the destruction of Bucharest City at http://www.petitiononline.com/VideaNU
The President of Romania,
The Parliament of Romania,
The Government of Romania,
The Ministry of Culture and Cults,
The City of Bucharest,
The Delegation of the European Commission in Bucharest,
The City of Bucharest Officials are trying to continue the work of Nicolae Ceausescu, who, by his well known "systematization" plan for Bucharest, has managed to destroy most of what was left...   (7 afisari)
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