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  Nr. 3602 de luni, 17 aprilie 2006 
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Asia's dysfunctional democracies
The abrupt resignation of Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is but another sign of a disturbing paradox: the more "vigorous" Asian democracy becomes, the more dysfunctional it is.
There is no shortage of examples. The attempt by opposition parties last year to impeach South Korea's President Roh Moo Hyun on the flimsiest of excuses; Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian's inability to pass legislation through a parliament controlled by the opposition...   (1 afisare)
B.B. tandem against Tariceanu
Romanian president Traian Basescu together with Gigi Becali criticized Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu again at the end of last week. The head of state announced public opinion that he no longer trusted the PM as they were no longer sharing the same objectives. In the end he reiterated regret to have named Calin Popescu Tariceanu prime minister of Romania.
Just one day before Traian Basescu said it, Gigi Becali opined the Romanian PM was "a bug politician",...   (1 afisare)
Cotroceni Palace hosts hot CSAT meeting
The CSAT (Supreme Council for National Security) members are meeting today at Cotroceni Palace to talk about several issues: Romania's national security strategy and proposals, observations and suggestions about the national security legislation. They will also discuss report on the activity of the CSAT in 2005 and one more report on the activity of the Ministry of Defense last year, along with an action plan set for 2006.
Members are also to consider...   (2 afisari)
PSD's score is poorest
Mircea Geoana's party has reached the lowest rate in polls ever: only 20,9% Romanians would vote for it. In the latest opinion poll by the GSS (Social Studies Group), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would not even get half of votes as compared to the PNL (National Liberal Party)-PD (Democrat Party) Alliance, since the latter has got 43,8%. (...)
Most people (43,3%) think Mircea Geoana should lead the PSD, as he is thought to be best fit for it. But most PSD adepts...   (1 afisare)
Heading East with the Americans
The Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry had a trade mission in the US in April 8-16. Victor Babiuc was in charge of it.
The representatives of 15 Romanian companies in IT, metallurgy, food, mining and tourism talked to partners from the US about American investments in Romanian companies and eventual common investments in the ex Soviet Union market.
Dragos Seuleanu, president of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the Romanian...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
US attack from Romania is out of question
The US may not start attacks from bases in Romania unless we agree, said Romanian president Traian Basescu yesterday. He also mentioned that to place nuclear facilities on Romanian territory was out of question. The Romanian official explained our country had leadership over these bases and described as "exaggeration" information according to which the US didn't have to ask for Romania's consent in order to start attacks from the bases...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Fulga to Fulga
In today's newspaper you can read an open letter written by Laurentiu Fulga to the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) head Gheorghe Fulga. The author warns about crimes committed by members of the Romanian community in Australia. The most severe one is drug trafficking, committed with help from SIE agents. The author also claims that both Presidency and government have been manipulated by the remains of the Securitate structures.
Fulga says Ovidiu Grecea is...   (6 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
Stolojan and political police
Deputy Lavinia Sandru, vice president of the PIN (National Initiative Party), said yesterday that Nicolae Ceausescu, Theodor Stolojan and the head of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service) were the three men sharing the money obtained from political police operations.
She explained: "Theodor Stolojan is the most important representative of the totalitarian state before 1989 with political position right now. He was one of the three men sharing...   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Dunarea se lasa greu (191 afisari)
 Fulga catre Fulga (190 afisari)
 Tender arestat abuziv (165 afisari)
 Noile conditii de iesire din tara (57 afisari)
 Sora l-a batut pe Zmarandescu (36 afisari)
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