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  Nr. 3601 de sambata, 15 aprilie 2006 
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A historian indispensable for two Romanian presidents (II)
How long did Vladimir Tismaneanu hesitate to ponder exactly what were Traian Basescu's motives in going ahead with a commission into the communist past which will have an existence of no more than six months? Before announcing a list of advisers in which his own Romanian network were prominent, did he not consider consulting more widely? If this work is to be truly independent and to be of lasting significance, shouldn't...   (53 afisari)      1 comentariu
LATEST - In Brief
A Bait
Ex-colonel of the SIE (External Intelligence Service) Ionel Dragomir claims that the 3 Romanian journalists kidnapped in Iraq last year would have been used as a bait to identify a terrorist network specialized in taking hostages. The kidnapping that held Romania breathless was not planned in Iraq, according to the ex-intelligence officer. He added this information had been circulated in the surroundings approaching the kidnapping. "It has been established a watched connection...   (15 afisari)
Romania needs PD the EPP
Guido Podesta, chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Romania Joint Parliamentary Committee, gave an exclusive interview to ZIUA daily on Romania's accession to the EU and the situation in the European People's Party (EPP).
Where are the Romanian political parties situated at European level?
What we can notice right now is an intense activity of the Romanian political forces, whose recent actions can be quite surprising, I might say. And I mean in particular the...   (7 afisari)
The statement of the day
The ex-Romanian President Ion Iliescu:"The lustration law is a reversed Stalinism"
"The lustration law is a national disgrace. By its contents, the law is undemocratic, un-European and unconstitutional. I do not care if this law is going to affect me or not, because I've felt lustrated several times along life, even during the communist times. I was released, I worked with the Technical Publishing House, I was under permanent watch, by three teams from the Securitate, two...   (6 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Danube Commissions
The solution of a controlled flooding of the Danube Delta might solve the problem of the historical flow of the river. After the '70s, when the heights of the Danube waters reached the highest level ever seen, and when several fishermen villages had been caught under waters and many people died, the Ceausescu regime initiated the construction of dams to control the water flow and to send the water surplus towards the lakes. At the same time, as Ceausescu was...   (5 afisari)
Politics - In Brief
A PPCD letter addressed to the President
Vice-president of the Popular, Christian-Democratic Party (Ro.PPCD), Aurelian Pavelescu, asked, Thursday, President Basescu, in an open letter, to come before the Parliament and to officially condemn the communism as a political regime. The Popular Party member stated the chief of State proved his descendent from Ion Iliescu since he refused so far to publicly condemn communism. Pavelescu also reminded Basescu he was part of a political...   (7 afisari)
Wave of resignations in PSD Bucharest
A group of 15 members of the Social-Democrat Party (PSD) of Bucharest organization, who belonged to the managing structures as well, have submitted a collective resignation from the positions they held as well as from the party, as a consequence of Marian Vanghelie being assigned as an interim executive chairman of the branch. They all held leading positions in the youth organizations of sector 3, sector 4 or sector 1. Inside sources opined...   (4 afisari)
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