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  Nr. 3600 de vineri, 14 aprilie 2006 
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A historian indispensable for two Romanian presidents (I)
Investigations into the wrongs of communism have started to proliferate. Having spent time in 5 Romanian cities in recent weeks, the disastrous condition of the infrastructure would suggest that the country is not exacly drowning in money. But there is never any money shortage if the aim is to block any real change or the resolution of an urgent problem. This was shown in the early 1990s when Ion Iliescu set up a range of parallele...   (64 afisari)      1 comentariu
New star
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) reform seems to have reached the climax yesterday, when Marian Vanghelie was elected interim executive president of the PSD organization in Bucharest. He is to be on the right of leader Sorin Oprescu and chair meetings together with diplomat Geoana, refined Ioan Rus and versatile Ion Iliescu. The picture is rather surrealist. It doesn't seem to come up with real solutions to the main problems if the PSD.
The amazing ascent of this half-illiterate...   (5 afisari)
Podesta: Romania's accession is guaranteed
Guido Podesta, president of the Romania-EU joint parliamentary group, said yesterday after the meeting with Romanian Democrat leader Emil Boc that Romania's accession to the EU in January 1, 2007 was guaranteed. The EU official claimed that EU Commission for Enlargement Olli Rehn had a very positive attitude at Romania, because the latter state's progress was even grater than the progress made by some states that had joined the EU in 2004.
Still...   (5 afisari)
Records destroyed to obey orders in December 22, 1989
Two days ago while attending debate on the political reform in Romania, the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) president Claudiu Secasiu said that some records on main politicians after 1989, included in the secret services' archives, had been destroyed to obey orders in December 22, 1989.
Secasiu explained the substantial difference between the number of records the CNSAS got in 2000 and...   (6 afisari)
VAT on basic products breaks Coalition
Romanian senators passed yesterday "the Voiculescu law" to cut on the 19% VAT (value added tax) to 9% in the case of basic food products such as bread, bakery, meat, fish, milk, sugar, rice and eggs.
The Conservatives could see their dream come true, although the Executive had claimed they were not for the project. The PC (Conservative Party), the PD (Democrat Party), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) played together...   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
National security laws to be declassified
President Traian Basescu is to proclaim today the declassification of the controversial laws on national security. He is also to open public debates on the latter set of laws, as he announced after the meeting of the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Security) in February 13. After the latter meeting Presidency Administration explained: "The head of state has explained that in 60 days' time the CSAT should pass this set so that public...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President promulgated health laws
Romanian president Traian Basescu signed decree yesterday to promulgate the new health reform laws, says Presidency Administration.
The head of state also signed two decrees to name Lucian Fatu Ambassador of Romania to Finland and Ion Macovei was given official mandate as Ambassador of Romania to Serbia and Montenegro. (A.H.)   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Stoica wants new Constitution
Liberal Valeriu Stoica announced yesterday his intention to elaborate project to revise the Constitution of Romania, in order to settle the terms between the president of state and the PM and bring a more flexible procedure to cause early elections. The ex president of Romanian Liberals opined that the procedure to start early elections was so rigid that the latter became impossible.
He opined it should be easier for MPs to replace a government...   (3 afisari)
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