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  Nr. 3596 de luni, 10 aprilie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Magistrates trained by the Securitate
We are amazed to know that nowadays many prosecutors and judges obey political command at once. It amazes us that Justice is one of the most corrupted institutions. We are surprised to hear we still have to accomplish the reform of Justice in order to join the EU. It surprises us that there still are enough communists with economic and political power who can rule our destiny. Although 16 years have passed, it astonishes us that the Securitate...   (2 afisari)
Tismaneanu is determined to finish report by October
Years on end civil society representatives have been insisting that communism should be officially condemned. But is has been in vain. Right now Romania has got two structures established to this purpose.
Romanian president Traian Basescu decided last week to create a presidential commission to analyze the communist dictatorship in Romania. Historian Vladimir Tismaneanu is in charge of the recently made team. Historian Marius Oprea,...   (2 afisari)
Ministers of war
Deficiencies within the PNL (National Liberal Party)-PD (Democrat Party) Alliance have lately been enlarging. The PNL seems to be in full electoral campaign against their Democrat partners. Liberal ministers joined the fight on Saturday too. They have decided to give reliable support to the party in the revenge against the PD. But they have chosen the wrong time.
Liberals ministers seem to have forgotten that EU officials are monitoring Romania each and every minute...   (1 afisare)
Social front launched again
Ion Iliescu and Petre Roman are giving it one more try to launch the Social Front, after failing to do it several times in the last year. Mediafax cites sources claiming Iliescu and Romania are preparing to launch the Social Front as institutional structure resembling an umbrella for left-oriented parties in Romania.
Apart from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the FDR (Romanian Democratic Force), it is to include ecologist groups and unions. Sources say...   (1 afisare)
Voiculescu: The government will collapse
Romanian Conservatives' leader Dan Voiculescu predicted on Saturday that despite all efforts to hang on Tariceanu's Cabinet wouldn't make till 2007. He opined: "I think Executive members won't manage to keep the Executive going till the end of 2006. It's hard for me to believe that in a family where things aren't working they can reach consensus and collaborate. We are ready for early elections." (...)
Voiculescu expressed dissatisfaction...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu replies
Romanian president Traian Basescu said on Saturday that mass media reports saying he had driven his car drunk after partying with Gigi Becali and Steaua players at the Golden Blitz were part of press exaggeration, unworthy of comment. Still he said: "How can you think I would have done it if I was drunk, since there were many people who could drive?"
The head of state described himself as a man with the right to have fun, who found it hard to enjoy the victory...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Invisible mayor Videanu
One year has passed since Bucharest mayor Adriean Videanu got official mandate. Next Thursday he is to have press conference on his activity. Romanian president Traian Basescu, Videanu's predecessor as mayor of Romania's capital city, has been invited to attend the event.
There have been no changes of the city look in the last year and the mayor claims his work is to be seen in projects that are no visible: preparations and research for the documentation...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Magistrati dresati de Securitate (2097 afisari)
 Diferenta de la Ogoranu la Tismaneanu: aviz amatorilor (448 afisari)
 Promovarea cercetarii de excelenta (230 afisari)
 A doua resemnare (l) (152 afisari)
 Timbre, bani si carti cumpar! (80 afisari)
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