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  Nr. 3595 de sambata, 8 aprilie 2006 
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Can Italy survive Berlusconi?
If history seems likely to rank Silvio Berlusconi as an inconsequential Prime Minister of Italy, it will surely remember him as an extraordinary - and extraordinarily bizarre - one. Promising one thing and delivering another was not so much a weakness of his government as its organizing principle.
Given the erratic nature of Berlusconi's rule, it is no surprise that, ever since the 2001 election that returned him to power, the centre-left l'Unione coalition...   (1 afisare)
Gigi Becali, owner of Steua Bucuresti team, tells ZIUA that Romanian president Traian Basescu phoned him four times the day Steaua played against Rapid. Becali says he talked to the president on the phone after the latter had officially announced he wouldn't go to the stadium to watch the game and after criticizing in the open Becali's statements offending PM Tariceanu. (...)
We remind you that in a TV show Wednesday evening Becali said he couldn't sit next to PM Tariceanu to watch...   (3 afisari)
Geoana criticized Olli Rehn
After his meeting with Social-Democrats in southern Romania, the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana stated it was abnormal that political events in Romania should be ordered by EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn.
The PSD leader commented: "I don't find it normal that the political evolution in Romania should be decided by the EU commissioners' visit to Romania. It seems abnormal to me that the state's political agenda should be ruled...   (2 afisari)
Poor profit in Romanian tourism
The profit Romania gets from tourism is much lower than in Hungary and Bulgaria. Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu visited the National Tourism Fair in Bucharest yesterday. He said Romania was to take a look around so that both central and local authorities would take efforts to improve tourism in Romania. Tariceanu outlined tourism was to bring profit.
He gave Hungary and Bulgaria as examples of surrounding states where tourism had large contribution...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania's image harmed
Romanian president Traian Basescu's latest statements have harmed Romania's image because of jeopardizing the country's political stability, says deputy Ovidiu Silaghi, Euro observer at the Parliament of Europe.
In a press release issued yesterday the latter outlined: "I believe the head of state chose the wrong time to take public revenge on the National Liberal Party. He tried to provoke the most severe political crisis, when the EU Enlargement Commissioner...   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Democrats have new lobby means
Democrat Euro observers from Romania want to impress MEPs by offering them Easter painted eggs. This lobby action in the Parliament of Europe is to be accompanied by a special dinner with Romanian Estern menu for MEPs. It is to take place in the very same day when EU officials talk about the progress made by Romania and Bulgaria.
Euro observer Roberta Anastase from the Democrat Party announced yesterday that 6 Democrats in the Parliament of Europe...   (1 afisare)
Marko Bela wants peace
The UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) president Marko Bela appealed yesterday to Coalition partners so that recriminations would stop and collaboration would start again. Marko Bela said that disputes inside the Coalition in power could jeopardize Romania's accession to the EU. He outlined that EU Commissioner Olli Rehn's speech for political stability in Romania was no coincidence. He said he was unhappy with the disputes between Romanian Liberals...   (1 afisare)
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