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  Nr. 3590 de luni, 3 aprilie 2006 
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The Alliance is falling to pieces
The D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance is falling to pieces. As they failed to achieve fusion, the agreement between the Liberals and the Democrats is no longer what it once was. It is turning into real wrath. Conflicts among Alliance leaders and common members are getting hot. As for local organizations, the dismemberment of the D. A. Alliance is intensifying just like cancer cells. There were first the districts of Mures and Alba, followed by Bihor...   (2 afisari)
Romanians want Basarabia to unify with Romania
If there were referendum on the unification of the Moldovan Republic with Romania, 51% of Romanians would vote for it, says latest opinion poll by CIVIS.
Only 27% of Romanians citizens are more skeptical and they would go for the present state of things to stay unchanged. (...)
Most Romanians have got no knowledge of president Traian Basescu's intentions and means to achieve such unification with the Moldovan Republic. 41% say they can't...   (121 afisari)
Parties at loggerheads
The Coalition in power has reached many gaps. They will become real precipices after June, when the Council of Europe is to decide when Romania joins the EU. Right now the PNL (National Liberal Party) is in dispute against the PD (Democrat Party). The PNL and the PC (Conservative Party) are criticizing the president, whereas the latter told Boc he detested him, they claim.
There are several reasons for such state of things: the CNSAS (National Council for Research...   (1 afisare)
New scandal: lustration
Lustration law seems to be troubling Coalition waters, as new conflict has burst out. The scandal on lustration is at stake just a few days after the crisis of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive), when Corneliu Turianu was elected head of this institution instead of Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu.
On Saturday the Democrats asked both the Alliance and Coalition to take responsibility for this initiative, as it would be...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Appeal asks for responsibility
Several representatives of civil society have asked the president of Romania, the political class and the entire Romanian society to support the lustration law. Sorin Iliesiu (vice president of the Civic Alliance), Florin Mihalcea (president of Timisoara Association) and Teodor Maries (president of December 21st, 1989 Association) have written appeal, demanding parliamentarians for involvement and for votes that should "finally make the past clear."...   (1 afisare)
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CNS to ask the US for support
The leaders of the CNS (the National Council of Secui, Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) are getting ready to contact autonomous communities in the EU and the US Congress in order to get territorial autonomy for the Secui County, says Mediafax. The CNS president Csapo Jozsef said it on Saturday. (...)
The latter also announced that the CNS was arranging one more Great Assembly of the Secui to take place in early June in Harghita. He explained:...   (3 afisari)
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Basescu and Tariceanu to attend SRI meeting
Romanian president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu are going to attend today's SRI (Romanian Secret Service) meeting on conclusions about the activity of this institution in 2005. Interior minister Vasile Blaga along with members of the commission to check on the SRI are to attend too, together with presidency adviser for national security Sergiu Medar, Romanian general attorney Ilie Botos and SRI officials.
Before the...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Ready for accession
The European Commission intends to recommend in the report due in May that Romania and Bulgaria should join the EU in January 1, 2007, although both states will be asked to continue efforts to implement reforms, said German daily Die Welt yesterday.
It was mentioned that high rank officials in the European Commission unveiled such a recommendation would be included in the report to be released in May. Still the European Commission would ask the two states...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Reguli unitare pentru uzucapiune (587 afisari)
 Romanii vor Unirea cu Basarabia (235 afisari)
 Romanii vor Romania Mare (140 afisari)
 Romanians want Basarabia to unify with Romania (121 afisari)
 Ziua Nationala a Academiei Romane (103 afisari)
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