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  Nr. 3584 de luni, 27 martie 2006 
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Russian roulette on the bank of Dambovita River
After so much delay, when 16 years have elapsed since the events in December 1989, Bucharest officials have decided it is time to sanction the political police. This is about emergency ordinance 16, adjusting Law 187/1999 on citizens' access to records on themselves and the unveiling of the Securitate (the Communist Secret Service). It is time for us to remember that Ticu Dimitrescu, author of this law, has refused to admit authorship,...   (3 afisari)
The chase
CNSAS (the National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) has got access to more than 1,3 million records of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service), on Romanians from all fields, not only from the secret services. Modifications on the Ticu Law can thus cause the start of real chase against those whom the Securitate employed in 1945-1989. Some of them are still active in the secret services, many of them as under cover officers. According to ordinance...   (2 afisari)
Basescu warns about surprises in CNSAS files
In the files transferred to CNSAS (The National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) there many surprises about the politicians who collaborated with the ex Securitate, said Romanian president Traian Basescu in Saturday's press conference in Cluj.
The head of state mentioned: " There are many surprises in the 1,3 million files transferred to CNSAS, as I have been told. " He demanded the new CNSAS leaders to check on...   (4 afisari)
Basescu criticizes Justice, press and Bechtel highway
-- No cleaning done in Justice
Romanian president Traian Basescu had a press conference in Cluj on Saturday afternoon. Emil Democrat was also present. Traian Basescu expressed regret for the judiciary system mistake: "no cleaning done" before judges became inamovable.
Basescu explained: "The law protects judges, who are inamovable. There was no reform of the judiciary system before they became inamovable and now the Constitution grants...   (5 afisari)
Nastase's plan disclosed
-- Two deputies say they got offer to join PC
Adrian Nastase tried to gather adepts wishing to join him in PC (the Conservative Party). Deputies Florin Iordache and George Baesu claimed at the end of last week that Nastase had made them an offer to leave for PC. Iordache explains: "I talked to Adrian Nastase, who proposed several MPs from PSD to join PC. Since he made this offer to me and Mr. Baesu, I suppose he made it to some more MPs." He mentions he disliked...   (1 afisare)
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Basescu sets out for China
China is one priority in Romania's foreign affairs strategy, as this country is becoming one main player at global level. This is what Romanian president Traian Basescu said on Saturday in Cluj. He mentioned that terms such as those between Romania and China were difficult to achieve. He explained more: "We have been in diplomatic relations with China for 55 years and China has never been hostile to us. Let's remember that in 1968 Beijing warned the...   (1 afisare)
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Ungureanu to have meeting with Rice
Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu is to start a 2-day official visit to Washington today, says Rompres. The event takes place due to excellent partnership relations between Romania and the US, fueled by the high level political dialogue in 2005, the development of bilateral economic cooperation and growing mutual trust.
The Romanian official is to have meetings with US state secretary Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security...   (2 afisari)
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Hungarian PM is disappointed with postponement
Hungarian PM Ferenc Gyrcsany had a meeting with Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu in Budapest on Friday. The Hungarian official said he was disappointed with postponement to pass law on the rights of national minorities in Romania, says MTI.
Gyurcsany praised UDMR (the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) for the contribution to this law and opined that the National Liberal Party in Romania proved support for needs concerning...   (4 afisari)
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Decision on Patriciu is due today
Bucharest Courthouse judges are to decide today on prosecutors' request to arrest businessman Dinu Patriciu. Magistrates from Bucharest Court of Appeal sent back to court the solicitation to arrest Dinu Patriciu, claiming the decision reached in March 17 had considered only exceptions. (...) (M.V.R.)   (1 afisare)
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