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  Nr. 3578 de luni, 20 martie 2006 
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What Hamas wants
As it struggles to form a government for the Palestinian territories, Hamas seems to be clutching to the Biblical verses in Ecclesiasties rather than the desires of the Quartet (the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations) charged with trying to bridge the Israeli-Palestinian divide. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven," fits Hamas's current agenda because its priorities and time frame are different from...   (5 afisari)
Blow the top
"This is volcano eruption. The top will be blown off, but the basis will resist. The basis is a party's foundation." This is Ion Iliescu's description of the present state of things inside PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). It was actually a quotation from a letter written by a group of PSD members in Timis.
But Iliescu also delivered clear message to promote other leaders, "unstained, with no flaws, but with moral authority": Sorin Oprescu (leader of Bucharest Social-Democrats)...   (3 afisari)
Olteanu or Dorneanu
Romanian minister for Parliament Bogdan Olteanu resigned yesterday from Tariceanu's Cabinet so that, as a common Liberal member, he can now run for official position as president of the Chamber of Deputies The ex minister said he was not sure about victory: "I am not sure I will take over the Chamber of Deputies. This decision is up to MPs. Unless they support me, I will be a common deputy." Bogdan Olteanu claimed: "Unless I get a vote of confidence, my presence in...   (3 afisari)
Conservatives under threat
Dan Voiculescu's Conservatives will be expelled from structures in power unless they give up wish to have their own candidate to run for president of the Chamber of Deputies and support Liberal candidate Bogdan Olteanu, the Alliance's choice. Liberal Ludovic Orban and Democrat Cezar Preda announced it at the end of last week.
While in Targu Mures on Saturday Orban said that after PC (the Conservative Party) got the Romanian Lottery for Liliana Ghervasuc,...   (8 afisari)
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PSD leader in Alba wants Marko Bela to resign
Ioan Rus, head of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) members in Alba, demanded yesterday that vice PM Marko Bela and more ministers sharing Bela's views should resign because of "taking action against the fundamental interests of the Romanian State." Rus explained that Bela's statement during the Great Assembly of the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) was against the Constitution, just as its radicalism was as visible as...   (3 afisari)
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Against press law
Several journalists and representatives of Romanian NGOs signed online petition meant for the Parliament and EU representatives, protesting against the making of a press law and against setting conditions to journalists' access to parliamentary sessions. The petition to be found at www.petitiononline.com expresses view that such a law would allow parliamentarians to have control on mass media. (...)
Here are some of the institutions sharing this view: The...   (3 afisari)
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The Spanish don't know too much about Romania
Spanish citizens don't know too much about Romania and they have poor knowledge of Romanian products, according to latest research by Gallup. (...)
40% of the Spanish are indifferent about Romania as tourism destination. 33% of them are rather interested in such a destination and 25% don't feel attracted to it. 90% of them claim they have no intention to visit Romania in the next 2 years, 6% say they would like to travel to our...   (5 afisari)
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