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  Nr. 3572 de luni, 13 martie 2006 
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On how to neutralize the Secui bomb
-- Motto: No criminal blackmail will ever bring me to silence.
As natural, we hesitated long before deciding to unveil the political and paramilitary preparations the Secui (Magyar-origin minority in Transylvania) were making in order to grab autonomy by unconstitutional means. At first we were afraid we would exaggerate things and amplify a dangerous phenomenon in our wish to keep readers informed. Still we decided it was better to unveil the information...   (1 afisare)
Romanian deputies wouldn't hear fight of corruption
Unlike in Bulgaria, in Romania deputies pretend not hear appeals from Brussels on the fight of corruption. Just a few days ago they disagreed to search in the house of ex PM Adrian Nastase, says France Presse Agency.
In order to satisfy the European Commission, Bulgaria has started to take firm, unrelenting measures against corruption. Despite the slowness and complexity of Bulgarian Justice, high rank officials charged with financial...   (1 afisare)
European Social Democrats come to Bucharest to see fight of corruption
MEP Jan Marinus Wiersma, member of the Foreign Affairs Commission, is to come to Bucharest on Thursday. He is to head a parliamentary delegation o European Socialists to pay a visit to Bucharest to observe the fight of corruption.
ZIUA reporter Cristian Unteanu has recently interviewed Wiersma in Brussels. The EU official says Romania has made much progress since 2005, but it is still too early to say there are no...   (1 afisare)
Nastase at stake
Romanian Social Democrats are going through hard times. Success or failure depends on what happens this week, for the latest evolution is just the beginning. For the time being their problem is Adrian Nastase, which they admit in the open. Some leaders think he should leave the party.
But Nastase is actually just the pretext invoked for getting even. The rough battle party members are fighting has become visible because of threats and blackmail using "records" against...   (1 afisare)
Fusion between Liberals and Democrats is impossible
Most Romanians believe the fusion between PNL (the National Liberal Pary) and PD (the Democrat Party) is impossible because the parties are in open conflict, says opinion poll by ATLE. Only 28,6% of Romanian believe such fusion is achievable for the two parties have got common objectives. The research points to the issues Romanians are most interested in and outlines the priorities on the public opinion agenda. It also unveils who are...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
PM promises peacefulness
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said yesterday in an interview to Rompres he took all measures that authorities should be ready to protect the Constitution and the law in March 15. (...)
Tariceanu explained the approach to March 15 had to consider Romania's approach to national minorities in the country, which he described as an example for many states, EU states included. He mentioned: "I think we should consider the events scheduled as in keeping...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Frattini pays visit to Bucharest
EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, as well as vice president of the European Commission, Franco Frattini is to pay official visit to Bucharest today. He is to meet Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Justice minister Monica Macovei and interior minister Vasile Blaga. They are to talk about Romania's accession to EU and difficulties such as the Justice reform, the fight of corruption and organized criminality....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Cernavoda in quarantine
Rapid tests on samples taken from hens found dead in one household in Cernavoda, a town in Constanta, confirmed the bird flu virus. This Romanian town is to be under full quarantine starting this morning. 20,000 people inhabit Cernavoda. It is the first Romanian town under full quarantine because of bird flu. (...)
The mayor says Cernavoda will close in order to prevent the bird flu from spreading. Authorities have started to vaccinate local inhabitants....   (1 afisare)
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