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  Nr. 3567 de marti, 7 martie 2006 
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Real failure at Cotroceni Palace
Motto: No criminal blackmail will ever bring me to silence.
President Traian Basescu suffered great failure yesterday. He didn't prepare himself for playing a true arbitrator. He didn't behave like a president player. He didn't pre-establish his moves and didn't try to anticipate the strategy of those not sharing the presidential view. He didn't talk too much and preferred the background. Then he used a typically Romanian trick to rebuild his image....   (2 afisari)
Local Kombat at Cotroceni
Yesterday president Traian Basescu failed to lead parliamentary party leaders to consensus, but it seems his image is still powerful. The head of state expressed his concern about the fate of the opposition and the lack of dialogue between opposition and rulers.
The reunion lasted almost 3 hours with the PM as Basescu's target. He interrupted Tariceanu often and left the room for a few minutes while the latter was speaking. When coming back to the room the head...   (6 afisari)
President Traian Basescu has got all "toys" to allow him to be what he has always wanted: an active head of state instead of a contemplative one to let political events go by. Whether he wants to use them or not, right now the president of Romania has got all state means of control available. He still lacks an instrument of full control over the Parliament: the "presidential" party. But there is a different one more and more intensely invoked, more accessible and thorough:...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Austrian foreign minister of Romania
The Romanian foreign minister has got to play more and more bizarre games. The ministry Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu heads has announced press and public opinion about withdrawing the Gojdu ordinance from Parliament, but on the other hand has left it for deputy debate. State secretary Leustean has failed to announce deputies about his boss's intention voiced in the press. Deputies decided to send back to the juridical commission the emergency ordinance...   (2 afisari)
PNL undermined
All parliamentary parties, whether in power or in the opposition, have started campaign by undermining PNL (the National Liberal Party). Although so far there has been only PD (the Democrat Party) whose policy is clearly distanced from the Liberals, now PC (the Conservative Party), PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) have entered the game. PC is now using the military information leak for political credit against their very...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Presidential appeal to Secui leaders and PRM
President Traian Basescu appealed to the leaders of the Secui (Hungarian-origin minority in Transylvania) and demanded them not to adopt "an anti-constitutional political document". He also appealed to PRM ("Great Romania" Party), explaining an abuse could not correct another abuse. The head of state also warned those playing with Romania's territorial integrity not to start exercises.
The president promised the Romanian state...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Final episode on house search
Deputies are to decide today on solicitation to search Adrian Nastase's properties. Deputies are to decide on whether to have secret voting or not. The Social-Democrats have already announced they will ask for secret voting, just like PRM ("Great Romania" Party). The Democrats together with the Liberals have mentioned they are for complete transparency. Romanian Conservatives say they agree to house search. (...) (R.A., A.M.)   (3 afisari)
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