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  Nr. 3566 de luni, 6 martie 2006 
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Formula 1 race in Cotroceni Palace
Motto: No criminal blackmail will ever bring me to silence.
If this morning Traian Basescu resists the temptation to force consulting, to wear his famous black cap and see to the much more popular snow cleaning operation, he will be like a Formula 1 Ferrari in the eyes of the high representatives of Bucharest political class.
The extraordinary 90-minute race Cotroceni is hosting will be attended by the president's main allies: Emil Boc & co....   (2 afisari)
At light speed
President Traian Basescu is meeting the 6 leaders of parliamentary parties today from 12:00 p.m. till 1: 30 p.m. If we believe the press release issued from Cotroceni, the politician ruling the latter palace is to have consulting on hot issues with Tariceanu, Boc, Voiculescu, Bela, Geoana and Vadim. Here are the four points on the agenda: the national security strategy, the constitutional reform, the law project on national minorities and emergency ordinance 124/ 2005 to modify...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Journalists are to decide which secrets are of public interest
Aiden White, general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, has been interviewed by ZIUA reporter Cristian Unteanu. The IFJ official talks about the freedom of expression and the pressure on Romanian journalists related to the latest scandal on classified information.
In the interview you can read in today's paper Aiden White says there will always be pressure on journalists because of the nature...   (4 afisari)
Romania should ask EU to go on with monitoring
Germany is likely to ratify the Treaty of Accession with Romania and Bulgaria by October. Axel Schafer, spokesman of the Social Democrat group in the German Parliament, and Markus Meckel, second spokesman for foreign affairs, paid a 3-day visit to Romania. In yesterday's press conference Meckel expressed support for the reform inside PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) so that the latter would no longer be "a group of ex communists", but a true...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nastase's house opened for journalists
Saturday afternoon Adrian Nastase opened wide the door of his sumptuous house, inviting journalists to step in for a visit. (...)
I leave his place feeling like I have just seem a play with too much props and tired characters, a sad show with predictable denouement. It is that kind of play that makes you leave before act III, scene 2 or before the fat lady sings, as the Americans say. I admit it is hard for me to believe many of the things...   (4 afisari)
Democrats want to rule all alone
-- Minister Barbu unveiled Democrats' plan
On Saturday while in Bistrita labor minister Gheorghe Barbu said: "The context is favorable to PD (the Democrat Party) due to president Traian Basescu. If the case, PD can rule all on its own in the future."
The PD leader opined it was the wish of any party to rule on its own, which was not possible at present. Mediafax cites Barbu mentioning: "This is the most favorable time for PD to become the main political...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
IFJ: Absurd and dangerous attack against Romanian press
IFJ (the International Federation of Journalists) has protested against investigations on Romanian journalists related to the military information leak. IFJ thinks it is intolerable that Romanian authorities should intimidate media representatives so that the latter would unveil sources. IFJ and the European Federation of Journalists support Romanian media organizations protesting against intimidation on ZIUA journalists.
Marc...   (4 afisari)
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