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  Nr. 3562 de miercuri, 1 martie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Balloon party
Cotroceni Palace directs preparations in the Democrats' labs for the making of a political group to provide unconditioned support to Basescu so that he would get 50% of votes. Strategists rely on the vacuum cleaner method to gather around the Democrats pieces of PNL (the National Liberal Party), PC (the Conservative Party), PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party), as well as small center-right parties. The party is to work by November and...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Parliament and government vs. Church
Yesterday Romanian Orthodox Church representatives took action and demanded the Parliament to vote against the project o dismember the Gojdu Foundation, planned by PM Tariceanu and Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu. But the two officials have ignored this request. (...)
Romanian clergy representatives founders of the Gojdu Foundation asked deputies yesterday: "Are you sure the Romanian-Hungarian Agreement signed in...   (3 afisari)
Deceitful reconciliation in D.A. Alliance
Although a whole week they had been alluding to the split of D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, on Monday evening the leaders of PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party) released messages of peace. In their meeting behind closed doors the Liberals and Democrats decided to go for separate political strategies, but keep the Alliance together. Alliance sources claim that PNL leaders Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Ludovic Orban and...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Civil society wants local officials' status revised
Several civic organizations have asked Romanian president Traian Basescu to sent back to the Parliament for revision a law leading to "the legalization of party slavery". It is about the law to modify law 393/ 2004 on local officials' status. The Senate passed this normative document in large majority last week.
Civil society representatives opine this law is really undemocratic and unconstitutional because it sets limits...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Council of Secui sent models of autonomy to Basescu
Yesterday the National Council of Secui (Hungarian minority living in Transylvania) sent to Romanian president Traian Basescu arguments on territorial autonomy in the European Union, in a new attempt to persuade Bucharest authorities into putting up with the absurd measure to provide the County of Secui with autonomy.
The Council representing the above-mentioned minority has reminded Traian Basescu about his promise to ensure...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu claims MPs' status is unconstitutional
Yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu informed the Constitutional Court about the unconstitutionality of the law on the status of Romanian senators and deputies. In the document sent to the Court it is explained that this normative document to be promulgated sets for both present and former MPs certain excessive rights that are actually privileges and cause discrimination of various categories of Romanian citizens....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Poisoned project on Transdniestria
Romanian parliamentary commissions in charge of foreign affairs are to analyze today a controversial project to settle the Transdniester conflict, elaborated by a group of Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldovan experts. In Chisinau rumor has it that Romanian president Traian Basescu will present it to Moldovan MPs. It is not at all clear how come some representatives of fishy foundations have reached the Parliament of Romania. Parliamentary sources...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Warrant against Vadim
Haifa police issued warrant to arrest PRM ("Great Romania" Party) president Corneliu Vadim Tudor. The announcement was made yesterday by Israeli-origin independent deputy Nati Meir. The deputy had sent criminal complaint against the Romanian politician to the Haifa police, accusing that in his publications Corneliu Vadim Tudor had published a picture of Nati Meir with Hitler moustache and haircut, accompanied by Hitler symbols.
Meir warned in Israel Vadim...   (2 afisari)
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