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  Nr. 3560 de luni, 27 februarie 2006 
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Who does the Basescu-Vadim-Becali alliance favor and disfavor?
An exceptional political event took place against the background of prosecutors' great fuss, of their TV battle against the high corruption evil. The event is actually the political foundations of a Basescu-Vadim-Becali trio. It was first at Cotroceni Palace and then on the stadium. The proof was given on OTV station live, when Becali described his view on the details of this agreement. Just as usual when Bucharest political...   (4 afisari)
Hatchet of war
PNL (the National Liberal Party) has turned down Democrats' offer for fusion and wants to leave Basescu without CSAT (the Superior Council for National Security) and the secret services. The dismemberment of CSAT, a structure of Soviet inspiration, and the government to take over the attributions of CSAT, as well as a president to be elected by MPs are among the 12 doctrine points listed in the Permanent Delegation. Basescu has started rough attack against the Liberals' ideas,...   (1 afisare)
Stolojan's image improves
The latest opinion poll by INSOMAR shows Romanians trust DNA (the National Anti-Corruption Department) more and more and dislike the interception of phone calls. As for politics, presidential adviser Theodor Stolojan is one of the most trusted leaders. Romanians perceive him as eventual leader of the group to emerge after the fusion of PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party). They also think he would make a good PM. As for the latter fusion,...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu: "This is aberrant"
Romanian president Traian Basescu described yesterday the information ZIUA disclosed as "aberration." Without even uttering the name of ZIUA, Basescu explained in TV program that Romania would be isolated at once if trying to "become a totalitarian state", because it would be beyond political criteria. He commented: "Given the structures Romania is in now, NATO and the EU starting with 2007, it is impossible to make up a totalitarian state in Romania....   (4 afisari)
Alliance leaders are against MPs' status
PNL (the National Liberal Party) president Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced his party would complete a law project including two articles eliminating the two privileges in MPs' status: pension and unemployment subsidy. He said the Liberals were having talks to eliminate privileges for all categories of officials. (...)
PD (the Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc also demanded parliamentary parties for "yes" or "no" to these privileges. He said...   (1 afisare)
PIN appeals to Basescu
PIN (the National Initiative Party) vice president Lavinia Sandru has demanded Romanian president Traian Basescu not to promulgate the law to modify the status of local officials because it is unconstitutional. Sandru warns the law includes some measures against migration, which will cause political parties to commit abuses. The text senators passed has it that the mandates of councilors and vice mayors are up the minute the latter are no longer members...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian suspected of bird flu
21-year old Romanian male from the locality of Cetate where the bird flu virus is confirmed is suspected of carrying the virus. Doctors decided to send him to Matei Bals Institute in Bucharest, the only one able to test such suspects.
The 21-year old man is the 11th person suspected of bird flu in Romania. All the previous 10 cases were confirmed negative. (A.M.V.)   (2 afisari)
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