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  Nr. 3554 de luni, 20 februarie 2006 
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The Islamic democratic paradox
The rage across the Arab world over the publication in Denmark (months ago) of cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed, together with the victory of Hamas in Palestine and the increasing radicalization of Iran's politics, has made "political Islam" a fundamental question of international diplomacy. But a one-size-fits-all response won't work. Indeed, we need to abandon the idea that there is a holistic or global Islamist movement.
Political Islam of all...   (3 afisari)
The secret in the street
The military information leak issue is now reaching a different stage. There have come out more aspects related to the Criminal Procedure Code, European laws and the Constitution of Romania. A journalist was arrested, but the inquiry in the Defense Ministry is making no progress. Nothing is actually happening, although it was from there that the information leaked. Prosecutors have moved fast as far as the press is concerned. They have proceeded to arrests incredibly...   (2 afisari)
CRP debate on misinformation for press
Yesterday CRP (the Romanian Press Club) had debate on latest misinformation for the press. CRP president Cristian Tudor Popescu said there was need of such debate because Romania was facing hard times with both journalists and authorities making big mistakes.
Cristian Tudor Popescu opined that to arrest Marian Garleanu was an "aberrant" measure and release was the normal thing to do. He said the whole story with the military information on the CD...   (2 afisari)
Democrats open way for revival of Communist Secret Service
Coalition leaders are meeting today to settle dispute on the new project to modify the Ticu Law, now at a standstill because of the Democrats. Democrats are fierce against the unmasking of ex under cover officers, sportsmen and priests, just as they are opposing foreigners' access to their own records. PNL (the National Liberal Party) is one of the institutions in favor of this point.
In the last meeting of Executive members,...   (1 afisare)
Public opinion may agree to postponed accession for Romania and Bulgaria
An internal document of the European Commission that has not been released yet, but circulates in EU states, expresses positive opinion on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU on schedule, that is in 2007. According to EUobserver that cites certain sources, the European Commission's reports due in May are very likely to be positive. But as public opinion seems to have certain doubts about the scheduled accession...   (1 afisare)
Social-Democrats to negotiate on DNA ordinance
Romanian president Traian Basescu is to have one more meeting with the representatives of parliamentary parties today to clarify solution to send back to the Parliament the emergency ordinance on the making of DNA (the National Anti-Corruption Department). After his previous consulting with parliamentary groups, the Romanian president said on Friday that all parties were for the establishing of DNA or a similar structure, but they didn't share...   (1 afisare)
Liberal youth against party fusion
The leaders of Romanian students in the National Liberal Party are against the idea to achieve fusion of PNL (the National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party) at present and propose that all right democratic forces in Romania should join PNL. This was the statement made yesterday by Liviu Jicman, president of Liberal youth.
In his press conference yesterday Jicman said it was now more useful that PD should clarify doctrine first...   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Navodari in quarantine
Yesterday Romanian health officials confirmed the H5N1 in samples taken from dead birds in Tuzla and Navodari, says Mediefax. Danut Culetu, mayor of Constanta, says this morning authorities will start measures of full quarantine in Tuzla and limited quarantine in the outskirts of Navodari, where the birds were found dead. (...)
A special committee there is to watch the behavior of wild birds reaching close to the lakes there, sea bays and harbors. (...)
As...   (1 afisare)
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