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  Nr. 3544 de miercuri, 8 februarie 2006 
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Big Brother's eyes and ears
The legally unmotivated interception of phone calls and checks on the bank accounts of some people and companies are both a real menace on democracy and a coup against national security, when they become complex indeed. Now I am taking distance from the Rompetrol case context, that has got me involved for some Stock Exchange business I have in the open. I can only see that Big Brother is jeopardizing us all.
It is both normal and necessary that in lawful...   (4 afisari)
Authorities chase bank accounts on and on
ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu had a press conference yesterday. He disclosed attempts to discredit ZIUA and attack against this daily. He also announced he was under criminal investigations in the Rompetrol case. Sorin Rosca Stanescu provided journalists with a document showing prosecutors handling this case ordered checks on the bank accounts of 158 people and companies. The ZIUA director also voiced accusation against the interception of his...   (7 afisari)
SRI and DSM investigate "Trap"
SRI (the Romanian Secret Service) General Constantin Raicu, head of the Office for Protection of State Secrets, and General Francisc Radici, head of DSM (the Military Security Department) in the Defense Ministry, are in charge of Romanian authorities' investigations on the leak of military information that reached ZIUA offices. ZIUA provided SRI with the classified documents and yesterday ZIUA journalists had a first meeting with SRI and DSM representatives.
ZIUA...   (19 afisari)
Nastase is criminally investigated in two cases
Is this a theatrical move or the high-quality professionalism of prosecutors subordinate to Daniel Morar? For the time being, nobody can evaluate clues and proves in the Zambaccian case. As for this, yesterday prosecutors pressed bribe charges against Nastase. It is a very severe corruption charge against official Adrian Nastase. The ex PM having dishonest business connections with Social-Democrat criminal Gabriel Bivolaru responded at once....   (13 afisari)
Nicolaescu is no honorable man
Confederations and unions in CES (the Economic and Social Council) announced yesterday intention to solicit MPs and Romanian president Traian Basescu to turn down the health reform laws, in case the Executive took responsibility for it in Parliament. The general reason of union members is that the Executive didn't kept promise made to CES through health minister Eugen Nicolaescu. The latter had promised to modify certain points in this set of laws. Before the...   (7 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The Netherlands voted for Romania's accession to EU
Yesterday the inferior chamber in the Dutch Parliament ratified the Treaty of Accession with Romania and Bulgaria, due majority of almost two thirds, says Rompres. The Netherlands has become the twelfth state to ratify the document. As previously announced, the Christian-Democrat Alliance led by PM Jan Peter Balkenendem and the Socialist Party voted against it. There were also two independent Mps who did the same. The other seven...   (6 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
UDMR defeated PD in only eight hours
The ultimatum for UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania), supposed to make them decide to quit structures in power, died away in less than eight hours. The Coalition paid during the open confrontation against UDMR representatives. Accompanied by three other members of UDMR, Marko Bela defeated their partners in PD (the Democrat Party). After the Coalition members' meeting taking three hours, Adriean Videanu went out to announce...   (5 afisari)
US to provide no more economic assistance to Romania in 2007
In 2007 Romania will get no more economic assistance from the US, but it will get $ 1,6 million for military assistance, according to the budget proposal of the US Administration, made to the Congress on Monday. If there is consent to the present proposal, it means that in 2007 it will the first time in the last years that Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are getting no financial assistance from the US. Washington officials...   (9 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Gojdu trick: Executive is after secret ratification of Romanian-Hungarian agreement
The Executive tried to fool the Parliament on the fortune left by lawyer Emanuil Gojdu. Yesterday the juridical commission in Deputies' Chamber had debate on emergency ordinance 183/2005 to ratify the Romanian-Hungarian agreement on the establishing of Gojdu Public Foundation, signed last October. According to deputy Aurelian Pavelescu, the Foreign Ministry state secretary in charge of talks with...   (6 afisari)
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