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  Nr. 3543 de marti, 7 februarie 2006 
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Time bomb has reached ZIUA
Press diversion moves against the press or others are usually made on Sundays, as if they were scheduled so. This is because on Sundays there are less items of news and journalists search for interesting issues to deliver to readers on Monday mornings. There is one more aspect of this: it is much more difficult and in some case really impossible to check on information while institutions are asleep. Such time bombs passed onto newspapers' offices look like the...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
ZIUA has been target of an unprecedented attack, aimed at manipulating and ruining ZIUA journalists, as well as at jeopardizing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The secret plans of missions in the battlefields where the anti-terrorist coalition works have reached our offices. Had we published the smallest part of such information, it would have touched upon laws protecting military secrets and national security. Moreover, the Romanian Army would have been discredited...   (1 afisare)
Dutch test
-- Hague Parliament to debate on Romania's accession today
Dutch MPs are to analyze today the ratification of treaty on Romania's accession to the European Union and vote for or against it. Parliamentary sources have mentioned that in case of no vote the ratification of treaties on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria will be discussed after the release of the European Commission's reports due in May.
Social-Democrat Godelieve van Heteren, leader of the Commission for European...   (19 afisari)
Attack against Romanians in Serbia
At the end of last week policemen in Zaiecear (Serbia-Montenegro) prevented bomb attack set against a leader of the Romanians in Timoc, says Rompres. Serbian authorities managed to neutralize the substance placed in the car belonging to Mihailo Vasilievici, spokesman of the Democrat Move of Romanians in Serbia. The latter spokesman is also editor-in-chief of the oldest Romanian publication there, called "Vorba noastra". He had just attended a party meeting...   (8 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
PD sets ultimatum for UDMR: either loyal or out of the government
Yesterday PD (the Democrat Party) president Emil Boc asked UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) to prove loyalty to Romania first of all by withdrawing senator Gyorgy Frunda, head of the Romanian Delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe, or to leave the coalition in power. Boc opined it was unacceptable that a Romanian MP, head of the delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly,...   (3 afisari)
Altered fusion
The fusion of PD (the Democrat Party) and PNL (the National Liberal Party) looks like an impossible mission, as right now both groups are making use of technical arguments to postpone decision. The Democrats are waiting for Liberal leaders to take official attitude, whereas the Liberals are voicing February 24, when the Liberals' Permanent Delegation is to learn the views of Liberal local organizations. Even in case of consensus, the great trouble will be the...   (1 afisare)
Executive doesn't leave deficit up to IMF
Bucharest authorities proposed to IMF (the International Monetary Fund) representatives the restart of negotiations on the precautionary stand-by agreement, frozen last year. IMF experts were in Bucharest in January 25-February 4 for yearly evaluation of Romanian economy. But this week's consulting had got nothing to do with talks on the agreement. In case talks restart, a different IMF team will participate.
State secretary in the...   (1 afisare)
Tariceanu insists
As victim of two scandals and suspected of interference in Justice, Liberal leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu wouldn't give up intention to have the law settle relations between Justice and the Executive. Yesterday he announced the Liberals were to elaborate a law project to make it compulsory for officials "to announce publicly the existence and contents of talks with representatives of Prosecutor's Offices or courts." According to Tariceanu, officials will also...   (1 afisare)
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