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  Nr. 3535 de sambata, 28 ianuarie 2006 
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Hamas in Power
The victory of the fundamentalist Hamas in the Palestinian elections will have far-reaching consequences for the region, some totally unexpected. Two aspects, however, are already visible.
The Hamas victory is, first and foremost, an indication of the total failure of the traditional Palestinian leadership to create a body politic. Palestine is not yet a state, but it is already a failed one.
Since the Oslo Accords of l993 between Israel and the PLO, the Palestinians...   (1 afisare)
Kalashnikov effect
Romanian president Traian Basescu changed his speech to the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe after reading "Romanians sold for Kalashnik license" in ZIUA. His first move was to scold the Romanian minister of foreign affairs. The second was to start unprecedented attack against Moscow, which enthralled the Europeans. ZIUA was pointing to the passivity of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, effecting on the fate of Romanians abroad, and also at Bucharest...   (3 afisari)
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Basescu shows Romanian diplomats the way to the East
Romanian diplomats must learn the way to the East, said Romanian president Traian Basescu yesterday in the opening of the Romanian Diplomacy Institute. The head of state explained in the last year Romania's foreign affairs policy became very active and was mainly aimed at consolidating Romania's status as a NATO member and the partnership with the US, as well as the "zero priority". Basescu opined that the great contribution...   (1 afisare)
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Criminal vice PM is determined not to resign
Vice PM George Copos is determined not to resign. Although many voices from the Coalition and even from the Conservative Party have asked Copos to resign, the vice PM is firm, claiming no corruption crimes are involved in his business with the Romanian Lottery in 2004. He neither wrote resignation from the Conservative Party, although one week before he had announced intention to resign. (...) (V.D.)   (1 afisare)
Patriciu resigned
Liberal Dinu Patriciu wrote a letter to Romanian Liberals' president Calin Popescu Tariceanu yesterday, asking the latter to agree to his resignation as president of the Liberal organization in Prahova. According to the letter, Patriciu's decision is meant to protect Romanian Liberals against accusations of business interference in politics, coming from both domestic friends and enemies. Patriciu opined that without open and legal relations between politics...   (2 afisari)
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Ambassadors called back
The ambassadors of Romania in Egypt (Marcel Dinu), Finland and Estonia (Neagu Udroiu), Georgia (Constantin Garbea) and Spain (Stelian Oancea) were called back by the decrees Romanian president Traian Basescu signed yesterday, says Presidency Administration in press release. (A.H.)   (1 afisare)
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ZIUA debate on Criminal Procedure Code
Amendments to article 278, point 2 are on the possibility of every side involved in a case to appeal to court to deny a procedure of the prosecutors, as in the Criminal Procedure Code there are situations or institutions that may not be appealed against in court. Lawyers' proposals want court censoring to miss no act committed in criminal inquiry. On the other hand, although the procedure may seem difficult, it is not at all complicated,...   (1 afisare)
Government promises fiscal calmness in 2006
The Government of Romania intends to go on with a disciplined budget policy, without proceeding to fiscal changes, as set in the budget for 2006, in order to have the budget deficit reach 0,5% of PIB (the internal raw product). The information is included in press release from the government, issued after yesterday's meeting of the Romanian PM and the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) delegation, led by Emmanuel van der Mensbrugghe....   (2 afisari)
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