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  Nr. 3526 de miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2006 
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Bloody final in PSD
We can now count the days till a prophecy I made in an editorial a few months ago comes true. Right after the elections held at the end of 2004, once Basescu pushed things to build a government on D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, instead of on PSD (the Social-Democrat Party), the most important party, there began a transition, a sort of historical break that will end now. It was the context that made Mircea Geoana president of PSD. Time was in his favour up to...   (3 afisari)
Vipers' nest
The decision of Social Democrats' top leaders Adrian Nastase and Dan Ioan Popescu to suspend themselves has turned the party into a true nest of vipers, where every outstanding leader is reevaluating his/her power, present position and chances to hit the jackpot by getting spectacular promotion. The battle for power is actually being fought in the open. Central leaders and the heads of local party organizations are to meet at the end of the week in Brasov. The Cluj group will...   (2 afisari)
CIA censors for Romania
John Sifton, a Human Rights Watch expert in terrorism and counter-terrorism, has provided one more piece of information about the CIA-Romania scandal. He claims exclusively for ZIUA that US authorities put pressure on Washington Post not to publish information about Romania, as this would jeopardize Romania's national security. Sifton wonders why they did this, if allegations were false.
Today the European Parliament is to decide on establishing a temporary commission...   (38 afisari)
Executive faces health system
Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu presented yesterday the final version of the legislative set on health reform in front of Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, doctors, politicians and press. The set is made up of 17 titles, without the law on pharmacy, as for the latter there is need of consulting with the European Commission. The new normative documents are on both community and primary assistance. Means to legalize the new...   (1 afisare)
Social-Democrat usurers
Adrian Nastase's party took money from mob heads. This information was disclosed by Nutu Camataru (the usurer). He paid fee to get protection through Marian Vanghelie. The Social-Democrat baron of Bucharest, mayor of Bucharest district 5, asked Ion Balint (known as Nutu Camataru) for 400,000 Euro to insure his freedom. Nutu gave him only 100,000 Euro. Victor Stan, Miron Mitrea's godson, attended the many talks between PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) representatives...   (5 afisari)
A mother for Cotroceni Palace
Mugur Ciuvica, president of GIP (the Political Investigations Group), claims there is a group of interests close to president Traian Basescu and built on Democrat senator Cornelia Cazacu and presidential adviser Adriana Saftoiu. Ciuvica explained in press release issued yesterday: "A group of interests around president Traian Basescu gets contracts of dozen million Euro from public funds. In the middle of this group of interests there is Democrat senator Cornelia...   (9 afisari)
Protests disturbed Holy Synod
Yesterday the courtyard of the Romanian Patriarchy building was invaded by a few hundred churchgoers. Despite the cold, they protested against decision to establish a new mitropoly in Transylvania, that is in Cluj-Napoca, to be ruled by His Holiness Bartolomeu Anania, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj. (...)
Apart from the protest meeting, an open letter was sent to Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and the Patriarch of the Romanian...   (5 afisari)
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 Camatarii PSD (395 afisari)
 Instanta recuzata in cazul Clamparu (85 afisari)
 Impotenta spirituala universitara (64 afisari)
 Mama Cotrocenilor (61 afisari)
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