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  Nr. 3522 de vineri, 13 ianuarie 2006 
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The energy game
Last April, commenting on the project of the extension of the Iran-India-Pakistan gas pipeline to China, China's Ambassador to India, Sun Yuxi said that "Beijing doesn't have any political problem with it, finding it a very good idea." Mr Yuxi's words were echoed by India's Minister of State for Planning, M.V. Rajashekharan, according to whom, "Once the gas comes to India, the pipeline can be extended to China." These statements, made on the sidelines of a seminar on achievements...   (3 afisari)
President chaired Executive members' meeting
-- Instructions from Basescu
When attending yesterday's meeting of Executive members, Romanian president Traian Basescu warned one more time about the traditional existence of groups of interests around the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and the Ministry of Transport as well. The president demanded the Executive to fully apply the public acquisition law. Traian Basescu outlined the need to develop our own energy resources to do away in reasonable...   (1 afisare)
Two European commissions look into CIA scandal
SonntagsBlick Swiss weekly had contacted Swiss authorities before publishing, at the end of last week, the fax from Cairo to the Egyptian Embassy in London, according to which 23 secret CIA detainees had been interrogated in Romania. None of the officials attending talks had denied the authenticity of the document intercepted by the Swiss information services. Although the information note to Egypt's Embassy on London has the signature of foreign...   (1 afisare)
Sarkozy wants EU enlargement process to freeze
Yesterday French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy asked the EU enlargement process should "freeze" until achieving reform on EU institutions, says Rompres. In a meeting with press representatives, Sarkozy pleaded for "strategic partnership" with neighboring states not accepted in the EU. He was probably meaning Turkey, whose accession the French minister was against.
Although Sarkozy's part in foreign affairs is just formal, it seems his...   (3 afisari)
OSCE: Transdniester conflict won't be settled this year
The new chairman of OSCE is skeptical that solution the Transdniester conflict can be reached this year, says BBC reporter Oana Lungescu. Belgian minister of foreign affairs Karel de Gucht said it was not at all clear how progress could be made in the region. But he opined that half solutions were better than new theoretical talks on Russia's commitments to withdraw troops and munitions from Transdniestria.
Solutions to the co-called...   (4 afisari)
Watch Romania's borders!
The bird flu crisis in Turkey made Romanian president Traian Basescu ask the Executive in yesterday's meeting to take preventive measures at Romania's borders to detect eventual people carrying the bird flu virus, says press release from Romanian Presidency. (...)
Romanian PM Calin Calin Popescu Tariceanu has recommended Romanians "to refrain from traveling to Turkey" or do it just for urgent matters. He mentioned extra measures were to be taken to watch borders...   (3 afisari)
Copos's lottery tickets
Due to Romanians keen on lottery, the Conservative vice prime minister got more 5 billion RON in just a few days. In today's paper you can read about one of the tricks the latter official used to get money from the Lottery funds, with reliable support from the state institution chaired by Nicolae Cristea. They hit the billion jackpot in Ramnicu Valcea by means of a real estate transaction on the headquarters the Romanian Lottery "desired". Although vice prime minister...   (1 afisare)      1 comentariu
Social-Democrats are fed-up with Nastase's fortune
PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana dropped a clue yesterday showing political support for leader Adrian Nastase was going down. Geoana said he was fed-up with crises harming party credibility. He also mentioned that out of "collegiality" he would wait for some time before taking the measures needed. This way the executive president of the party is practically left with no cover. The Social-Democrat leaders' formal solidarity...   (2 afisari)
Conservatives' dilemma
Conservative Permanent Bureau members are going to talk about whether to stay in political structures at rule or quit. The meeting is due in January 21, when they are to debate on two different motions: one initiated by voices claiming the Conservatives should quit, party spokesman Bogdan Ciuca and vice president Sabin Cutas some of the adepts, and the other one pleading for continuation of collaboration with present partners, an idea supported by vice...   (1 afisare)
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