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  Nr. 3521 de joi, 12 ianuarie 2006 
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Justice is still politically obedient
The political masquerade on the status of CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates), which is the guarantor for the independence of that Justice criticized both in Romania and abroad, reached the climax yesterday when they had meeting to express conclusions about this institution.
There is obviously no independence without responsibility and no responsibility without independence. Politicians are interested in keeping Justice under control and put...   (3 afisari)
Romanian Defense Ministry asked for explanations on CIA scandal
Bucharest officials have reacted to the information unveiled by SonntagsBlick Swiss weekly, according to which CIA secret detainees were interrogated on Mihai Kogalniceanu military base. Yesterday the commission investigating CIA detention centers demanded the Romanian Defense Ministry to provide registers on military aircrafts or planes used on military purpose that crossed, took off from or landed in Romania since 2002 up...   (2 afisari)
Putin and Yushchenko linger about Transdniestria
Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu answers our questions
ZIUA: What can you briefly tell about the Russian and Ukrainian presidents' common declaration on Transdniestria?
M.R.U.: Last year Transdniestria was certainly a very hot issue in international affairs. In 2005 we actually witnessed a very speedy course of events, with initiatives and proposals of settlement, of enlarging the format of negotiations and...   (2 afisari)
Basescu demands incompetent magistrates to resign
Yesterday the headquarters of the National Institute of Magistrates hosted meeting on the presentation of the CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) report on 2005. Traian Basescu chaired the meeting. More officials were also present, Jonathan Scheele and pre-accession adviser Dieter Schlafen, Justice minister Monica Macovei and general attorney Ilie Botos among them.
It was Romanian president Traian Basescu who criticized magistrates...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Image change of CSM
Iulian Galca, president of the Court of Appeal in Alba-Iulia, is the new president of CSM (the Superior council of Magistrates). The decision was reached yesterday in the CSM meeting. Cristian Deliorga, prosecutor-in-chief of the Prosecutor's Office in Constanta, has become vice president of CSM. The voting was at least fishy, they say. Just when ending their break after the presentation of the CSM report on 2005, CSM members locked themselves behind the closed...   (2 afisari)
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Shock for banks
Several presidents of banks and one director working for the National Bank of Romania were summoned to the Prosecutor's Office today for explanations in the Rompetrol case. Judiciary sources say charges might be pressed in some cases. Bank sources have told us that Dan Pascariu, president of HVB Bank, and Nicolae Cinteza from the National Bank of Romania are two of the officials summoned. Prosecutors' action has started after bankers refused to break the banking...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Seres reports to Prosecutor's Office
Romanian economy minister Codrut Seres reported to the Prosecutor's Office, requesting checks on facts and documents related to intermediation contracts on gas supply from the Russian Federation. It refers to the contracts with economy agents in Romania via companies such as Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus Zug AG and IMEX OIL Limited. (...) The Economy Ministry says the minister is demanding that, in case checked facts unveil clues pointing...   (4 afisari)
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Romania to become a Schengen state by 2010
Romania aims at becoming a Schengen state by 2010, 3 years after joining the European Union, said Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga in yesterday's meeting with a delegation of deputies from France. He assured the French deputies visiting Bucharest that the program to modernize borders was progressing in keeping with the terms set and there was no delay. Blaga also mentioned Romania would soon acquire one of the best border security...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu to attend government meeting
Romanian president Traian Basescu is to attend today's weekly government meeting. Officials are to talk about measures to be taken for Romania's accession to the EU, claim governmental sources. They say a first analysis of the new health laws the government wants to take responsibility for is also due today. (O.B.)   (2 afisari)
Tariceanu: "All aunt Tamara left for us is debts"
The government is going to invest substantial funds in projects to develop infrastructure in various fields and costs are estimated to reach about 1 billion Euro this year, eventually risking budget deficit growth to 1% of PIB (the internal raw product) this year, said Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu yesterday. He explained: "In 2005 we had to tidy up accounts and budgets because aunt Tamara was generous to some, giving them paintings,...   (3 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
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 Dezastre vestimentare la Hollywood (146 afisari)
 "Guvernantii romani distrug valorile si fac praf si pulbere din patrimoniul tarii" (49 afisari)
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