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  Nr. 3514 de miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2006 
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Basescu has got the key to power again
What Romanian politics changes will we witness this year? Unless there are catastrophes to ruin the fragile balance achieved after the last legislative elections, we should focus on Romanian economy and especially on the accession to the EU in general. Unless Tariceanu's Executive is efficient and able to meet requirements set for 2006, general dissatisfaction can make the opposition start crashing hits. The same will happen if there is decision...   (2 afisari)
Russian grill
Russian company Gazprom, the world's greatest gas producer, is again under state control, although previously the state owned only 35% of shares. But since the state is under Kremlin's control, it is easy to say Gazprom is under Putin's control. And Putin is keen on political interests, but not on economic ones, as he himself said. It is to be noticed that Gazprom is the greatest provider of gas for import to Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania...   (5 afisari)
Parliamentary priorities
PD: Public administration reform and new law on SRR and SRTV
Cristian Radulescu, leader of PD (the Democrat Party) deputies, claims that national minorities' status is the Democrats' legislative priority for the next parliamentary term, but emphasizes this law is to pass in a version that would not lead to positive discrimination. In his statement to Rompres yesterday, Radulescu mentioned this status would have to include balanced points that would keep and...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
German Christian Social Union against Romania's accession to EU in 2008
The German Christian Social Union is still pessimistic at Romania's accession to EU in 2007 and they have even got doubts about 2008, says Deutsche Welle. This was the message of Thomas Sillberhorn, European affairs spokesman of the Christian Social Union in the Berlin Parliament, delivered in his interview to Robert Schwartz from Deutsche Welle. The Christian Social Union has repeatedly expressed skepticism...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ukraine restarts Bastroe canal operations
Rusia la Zi Agency says in early December Ukraine got permission to restart dredging on Bastroe canal. But it is already estimated that by the end of the year or in early 2006 the depth will reach last year's level, that is 5 meters, says Pro-UA agency. Press release from the Ukrainian Transport Ministry informs building operations on state funds are to be carried out by Ustdunaivodputi, an enterprise part of the Transport Ministry system....   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Fox chased
Remus Span, protegee of police investigator-in-chief Virgil Ardelean, got caught in the trap of UM 0962. A report kept secret so far unveils Span's connections to the mob and his involvement in organized crimes. The protegee of the Fox (Ardelean's nickname) is the friend of expensive car thieves, corrupted customs agents and famous smugglers in north-eastern Romania. Span used to protect them for much money. At the end of last year interior minister Vasile Blaga fired...   (4 afisari)
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